Kolgulf of the Dusk

Aheneus Kolgulf Blessed Mace, of the Dusk

Kolgulf of the Dusk is a young (by dwarf standards) Dusk Order member of the The Sóleið.   Given that Kolgulf is a distant descendant of a Eclipse-Touched dwarf and has a long family history of Khemra-worship, he was a natural choice for a body guard to Krogresli the Eclipsed Caste Dwarf. It doesn't hurt that Kolgulf, like Krogresli, wants to see a broader section of Scarterra than simply the caverns of Meckelorn.   Kolgulf joined the ranks of anointed shortly after arriving in Fumaya. He has been a gracious guest of the Fumayan Keepers helping with daily chores and training.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is slightly above average height for a dwarf and is in excellent physical condition due to an intense exercise regimen.

Special abilities

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like many of Blessed Mace Clan before him, Kolgulf felt the call to join the The Sóleið as a young adolescent where he was quickly assigned to Dusk Order because he was physically gifted and strong-willed.  
He was part of the guard detailed that failed to save Krogresli but he did take down a morlock before being knocked unconscious.   While he blamed himself a bit for failing to prevent the abduction, Krogresli did not blame him. He volunteered to accompany her to Fumaya and Krogresli was on board with this seeing him as a big brother figure.
by Eron12 with Hero Forge
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1795 CE 43 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Nami's Zodiac Year, Phidas' Zodiac Month
dirty blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light bronzed
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Dwarven, Common, Draconic (limited)

Cover image: by me with Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: by me with Hero Forge


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