Lady Awena ap Gruffyl

Lady Awena ap Garan

A so called "cidar baby", Awena was born of the union of two squibs and unexpectedly turned out to be a sorceress. Essentially she was claimed by Gruffyl because they got there first.   She is rather good looking but somewhat of an airhead. As a cider baby, her parents and grand parents spoiled her rotten. Since she jumped from daughter of a barrel maker all the way into the nobility, she let go to her head. She is a dabbler having reached the first circle of four schools with no second circle spells.   She has thus far managed to finangle out of arranged marriages holding out for "a lord worthy of her", but Rohdri is rapidly losing patience with her.  
Year of Birth
1813 CE 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
cidar baby, Korus' zodiac year

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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