Lady Betrys ap Gruffyl

Lady Betrys ap Gruffyl

Lady Bertys was a mediocre sorceress but she was a skilled swordswoman, diplomat, and administrator. She was a Fang Warrior who served multiple lieges and houses, managing to finagle a hefty promotion three times.   Bertys was fond of inserting herself into intrigues and it is likely that that is what killed her.   She had a loveless arranged marriage to a sorcerer of no real standing. Bertys had six children that survived into adulthood. It is widely assumed that at least half of her children weren't her husband's, but on paper all six were considered true born.   Only one of her children had sorcery, Lord Dilwyn ap Gruffyl. Two of her squib children beat the odds and bore or sired a child who developed sorcery. Bertys did not have the famous Gruffyl heterchromia nor did any of her children.  
1756 CE 1804 CE 48 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Maylar's Zodiac Year, Greymoria's Zodiac Month
Circumstances of Death
suspicious accident
normal matching eye colors

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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