Lady Misha Deorac

Lady Misha Deorac

Misha Deorac was the first born child of Prince Konstantin Deorac II and Lady Gavrilla of Deorac making her niece to King Leonid Deorac II, the last king of Deorac.   She had a husband before the conquest of Talama but he did not survive the Swynfaredians nor did their son.  She remarried a minor Fumayan noble at the age of 36 in 1716, they had one daughter who because her father was not in line to inherit any land, took the Deorac surname.   She was something of a tomboy and renown for her tenacity and pluck narrowly escaping death many times but eventually her luck caught up with her and she died in an accident believed to have been staged to cover up an assassination.  
1682 CE 1725 CE 43 years old
Circumstances of Death
suspicious accident

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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