Lord Tremain Numaness

Lord Tremain Numaness

A second generation dragon blood, Tremain was the last child of Lord Troilus Numaness the Mask and Lady Rhian Fremiss the Promiscuous and reputedly the only son Troillus believed was truly his.  They did look alike.   A moderately talented leader, diplomat and sorcerer, Tremain was most notably in that he was pretty much the only one of his siblings who was considered to be trustworthy and likeable.  Perhaps this is why he was not murdered like many of his siblings were.  While respected by his peers, he was especially beloved by the common people.   He spent much of his time walking among the peasants and casting spells here an there to help them with their chores or simply to entertain.  
1005 CE 1128 CE 123 years old
Circumstances of Death
old age accelerated by disease

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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