Merits and Flaws for divine spell casters

Divine Merits Permanent Holy Symbol (1): Your holy symbol is tattooed or branded into your skin. As long as your holy symbol is visible on your body, you can cast divine magic without carrying a holy symbol.   Favored Soul (2): Rather than learning your divine casting abilities in a temple or monastery, you were born with divine favor. While it is not common knowledge, favored souls cannot have lose their magic for violating their deity’s wishes. As a living symbol of your god, you generally have more leeway and respect from your related priesthoods. Favored Souls can also learn new domains without training, lengthy mediation, or study. Your character can learn new domains with the experience expenditure alone.   Blessed Health (3): Your deity has granted you immunity to all mundane and most supernatural diseases.   Living Holy Symbol (3): You can cast divine magic without using your holy symbol without penalty.   Magic Blood (2): You can choose to take an unsoakable level of lethal damage to replenish five points of mana any time as a free action. This damage cannot be healed with magic, only rest.   Pain Tolerant Caster (3): Wound penalties are halved (round up) when casting spells. You need a Stamina of 3 and a Willpower of 5 to qualify for this merit.   Practiced Silent Caster (3): You receive a +1 difficulty penalty when forgoing verbal components while casting divine spells rather than the usual +2 difficulty.   Practiced Still Caster (3): You receive a +1 difficulty penalty when forgoing somatic components while casting divine spells rather than the usual +2 difficulty.   Additional Favored Sphere (4): Due to a special talent or aptitude, you get to pick a fourth sphere of divine magic of your choice to count as a favored sphere in addition to the three that come automatically from your deity.   Eclipse Touched (5): Must take Favored Soul Merit and must be associated with Khemra. Due to their rarity, Favored Souls of Khemra are given more rights and privileges by Khemra’s priesthood than other deity’s favored souls enjoy. Clerics of Khemra are supposed to defer to Eclipse priests. Eclipse priests are the only Khemra priests allowed to implement major changes in canon law. Most of Khemra’s faithful will be inclined to lick your boots, and will not dare act against you openly. Eclipse Touched who abuse their power can expect passive-aggressive opposition though.   Divine Flaws   No Silent Casting (2): You cannot even attempt to cast spells silently.   No Still Casting (2): You cannot even attempt to cast without somatic components.   Rival Aura (2): The divine spell casters and spirit minions of your deity’s rivals have a -1 difficulty on rolls break when actively looking for you. You tend to run into your divine enemies via dumb luck fairly often.   Divine Probation (3): Your divine caster has transgressed against his deity’s wishes, but has not been cast out entirely. Divine magic is at +1 difficulty to cast and mana recovery is at +1 difficulty until you atone or are adopted by a new deity.   Divine Bard (8): You cast your divine magic through music. You cannot have more dots in any divine sphere than you have dots in Performance and you can never cast spells silently.   Excommunicated (6): You are basically spiritually branded a traitor to your deity. Divine magic is at +2 difficulty to cast and mana recovery is at +2 difficulty until you atone or are adopted by a new deity.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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