Mortal Life Expectancy

Common PC Races

  tengku: Age of Majority at 9, typical life expectancy of 50, record life span of ~65   kalazotz: Age of majority at 15, typical life expectancy of 60, record life span of ~70   humans: Age of Majority at 16, typical life expectancy of 70, record life span of ~110   satyrs: Age of Majority at 18, typical life expectancy of 80, record life span of ~120   gnomes: Age of majority at 35 , typical life expectancy of 250, record life span of ~320   dwarves: Age of majority at 40, typical life expectancy of 275, record life span of ~350   elves: Age of majority at 90, typical life expectancy of 400, record life span of ~500    

Other Humanoids

  dabeshi: Age of majority at 3, typical life expectancy of 25, record life span of ~35     goblins: Age of majority at 13, typical life expectancy of 55, record life span of ~70     igundans: Age of majority at 10, typicaly life expecatancy of 57, record life span of 80   orcs: Age of majority at 14, typical life expectancy of 60, record life span of ~80   kobolds: Age of majority at 14, typical life expectancy of 65, record life span of ~90   camazotz: Age of majority at 15, typical life expectancy of 55, record life span of ~65   cyclopes: Age of majority at 15, typical life expectancy of 60, record life span of ~70   metamorphs: Age of majority at 30, typical life expectancy of 150, record life span of ~200   morlocks: Age of majority at 35, typical life expectancy of 240, record life span of ~280   arachpliza: Age of majority at 60, typical life expectancy of 300, record life span of ~400    

Intelligent Monsters

  dragons: Age of majority at 200, typical life expectancy of 1300, record life span of ~1500   giants: Age of majority at 40, typical life expectancy of 400, record life span of ~500   gravroks: Age of majority at 12, typical life expectancy of 350, record life span of ~400    


  Human/Dragon: Age of majority at 35, typical life expectancy of 325, record life span of ~450   Human/Elf: Age of majority at 25, typical life expectancy of 250, record life span of ~350   Human/Orc: Age of majority at 15, typical life expectancy of 65, record life span of ~90   Human/Dwarf: Age of majority at 20, typical life expectancy of 150, record life span of ~200   Human/Gnome: Age of majority at 19, typical life expectancy of 140, record life span of ~180   Elf/gnome: Age of majority at 45, typical life expectancy of 300, record life span of 350


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