New Years Resolution Article

I'm reading through most of the species category for this challenge.   Chimera in Verdance. I like how chimera are basically a industrial product in this world with a separate (alchemical) science behind them.   Prodryas in Talitha Harbor. I like that their eggs are poisonous but not too poisonous. The Goldilocks level to ensure ecological stability.   red lips in Call of the Tree, a thinking man's grim dark monster. Very unique concept.   Ajax of Chronicles in Hysal, the idea of an empathic pet parrot is a very unique idea.   Richtho Bush in Age of Defiance, a fantasy healing plant with some good character and a dash of science.   Suuu in Velikka I have a sentimental fondness for lizard people and I like the detail of their mating and courtship though the article may have been a little overly focused on the mating to the exclusion of the rest of their culture. Though I guess the entire wolrd of Velikka is intended to explore ideas of sexuality. Not my cup of tea, but this seems well executed.   EDIT, I see the same author made SIX submission to this one category. I see that is technically not forbidden by the rules, but I feel like it's against the spirit of the competition since I always figured these categories are to showcase one's best work, not spam it with ALL the author's work. They are all a little too similar for my tastes.   Cloudgrass from Oabos an interesting multiuse plant, almost like a truffalo tree.   Mimickyn in Pangorio an interesting take on the classic D&D monster that certainly won't annoy players...   Changelings in the Veil an interesting take on shape shifters. I've been trying to flesh out my shapeshifters and it's nice to get another perspective.   Eyebright in Drakkenheart a very literally named plant to help people see in low light.   sandfishes in Iastarene, I am a sucker for punny dad jokes. It makes as much sense as owl bears in a D&D world.   Secki Ducks from Dark-FallI've noticed a pattern that cute headers garner a lot of likes, but of the cutesy animals I've seen thus far, this is one of the better written ones.   heather in indomitable will is a good example of a relatively mundane real world thing being integrated into a fantasy setting well.   Banana Beetles in Talitha Harbor are a fun idea. Banana beetles don't drive world events or have economically exploitable properties but they add flavor to the world (metaphorically) and a have an amusing backstory.   Glassfolk in Totania a very unique high fantasy concept and well illustrated. A casual skimming of Totania suggests this creator is up my alley so I subscribed to the world.   The Everbloom Tree in Strathnora An interesting take on a fantasy tree.   Sorrow Cap in Darrkenheart, side effects may include nausia, heart burn or diahrea, consult your doctor before using Sorrow Cap. Drakkenheart did enter into the species category 18 times. His plants good but 18 is too many in my opinion.   Ekandra in Cairn Sector, a little bit text book, but well detailed and illustrated. I might revist this when I get around to populating my own seas with monsters.   the living beings of the Evanact, a very interesting premise. In my opinion, the author should have used the Natural Law template instead of species and broken the "subspecies" into separate articles. But formatting issues is not a big sin. I'm adding Evanact to my list of followed worlds simply because the world premise is so unique.   Cornicorn in Culinarypunk, I am normally not a fan of goofy comedy worlds, but I was won over by the legends of wish granting popcorn.   Acornin in Aquatica Homebrew an intriguing concept with well thought implemenation and a succinct article.   Mineralis in hidden satury sapient minerals in humanoid is intriguing idea with nice visuals. It leaves a lot unanswered questions though.   Spirit dragons in Grandal the concept of small dragons and the concept of glorious lost dragons of yesteryear is not new, but this is a well executed version of the new concepts that makes a reader want to learn more about the world.   Originally, I was planning read ALL the English language species articles but I only got about half-way through. In my opinion, too many authors put in multiple species. There were a lot of authors that I liked intially, but after reading multiple species articles in a similar vein from them, I got tired of them.

Cover image: by World Anvil Team


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Jan 18, 2024 22:33

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Jan 27, 2024 10:33 by K.S. Bishoff

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