Office of the Raykar

The Raykar is the ruler of Kahdisteria, roughly akin to a king or emperor. Given that Kahdisteria recognizes Greymoria as their primary deity, the only acceptable ruler is a powerful arcane caster, in theory the Raykar is the most powerful spell-caster in the entire nation.   Challenge Day   Once per year, Kahdisteria has what is known as Challenge Day. In theory, any dark elf with arcane ability is free to challenge the sitting Raykar on Challenge Day. In practice, elves of common birth have a very hard time making their challenges heard. By tradition the challenger not only tells the assembled about his desire to be Raykar, but he (or less commonly she) is expected to state how he disagrees with the current Raykar’s policies and explain what he would do instead.   It’s rare but not unheard of for multiple challengers to challenge the Raykar at once. When this happens, preliminary magical duels will winnow the field until one challenger remains. Then that challenger will get to issue his formal challenge to the Raykar.   The actual ritual combat takes place six months after Challenge Day. In many instances the Raykar tries to assassinate his/her would be challenger ahead of time. This is deliberate. If an elf cannot avoid assassins for six months then he has no business being Raykar.   Conversely, A Raykar whose challengers all seem to die mysterious deaths is likely to appear weak and cowardly which will only attract more dangerous challengers or lead to the Raykar being assassinated outside of a formal challenge. Wise Raykars need to strike a careful balance on deciding who to fight and who to quietly eliminate. Most Raykar make it their business to know the capabilities and personalities of all their most powerful subjects for this very reason.   Assuming the challenger survives the next six months. The ritual duel commences and continues until one combatant is knocked unconscious, paralyzed by a spell, surrenders, or is killed. Whether they are alive or not, the loser of the challenge is then mystically branded. The Raykar’s scepter of office also doubles as a magical brand. People marked by the brand are forbidden from ever challenging the Raykar again. They are known as "the Branded".   Raykar’s and would-be Raykars worth their salt control networks of spies and will try to piece together the psychological profile of whoever they might be fighting in a challenge. If the victor of the challenge believes his opponent is not the sort of person to lose gracefully and accept being a Branded Champion, the victor will often “accidentally” kill their foe in the duel. Thus, most surviving losers actually choose to become Champions. This is also a good incentive not to assassinate a challenger before the duel occurs.   Sometimes a Raykar dies outside of a challenge. In this case a council of high priests and priestess of Greymoria take custodianship of the royal scepter and facilitate an open challenge. There are usually several volunteers whenever there is an open seat and it’s usually set up as a elimination style tournament.     The Raykar's Primary Agents   Immediately below the Raykar are the Raylisi (singular Raylis) and the Rayhoki (singular Rayhikis). Each Raylisi in charge of specific geographic area on behalf of the Raykar, similar to governors or dukes in other lands. Each Rayhoki has a defined territory not bounded by geography. Rayhoki of ships, Rayhoki of the Mines, etc. Rayhoki also serve as officers in the military.   Most Raylisi and Rayhoki are spell casters but not all of them. Roughly 90% of Raylis and 60% of Rayhoki are spell casters. A great many of them are mere dabblers rather than powerful spell casters.   In theory, a Raykar is free to replace every single Raylisi and Rayhoki upon winning his challenge, and the Raykar can fire and replace a Raylis whenever he wants to for any reason or no reason at all. In reality, tradition dictates that a Raykar keep most of his predecessors appointments in place unless the two individuals have serious personality conflict. It’s considered a mark of weakness and poor political acumen for a Raykar to show high turnover with his lieutenants.     The Raykar and the Clergy   The Raykar is also advised by a counsel of priests and priestesses. Three clergy are high ranking Children of Greymoria; one is a Tester of Maylar , one is a Steward of Korus , and one is a Mask of Phidas . The Raykar is not allowed to fire any of them. If the Counsel of Priests votes on something and there is a deadlock, and for some reason tradition dictates the Raykar doesn’t get a say, a Keeper of Khemra is brought in to cast the tie-breaking vote. This happens about once a century.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Sceptor of the Raykar.  It doubles as a magical brand.
Civic, Political
Length of Term
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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