Ogre Rite of Passage Feasts

Cannibal Sickness can pass on their condition to their offspring, but ogres are the most likely to deliberately try to create cannibal families.   Ogre families, and if available, ogre extended families, make a big deal of a toddler's first true taste of "solid food" (wink wink). The whole family will have a celebratory feast in some private and remote location.   A bigger deal is an adolescent ogre or ogre's first kill. They will bring back their quarry to share with their family and have a large celebration. Or at least as large a celebration as the family can do with out being caught.


During the Red Era, unfortunately high numbers of elves and dwarves turned to cannibalism to survive creating large numbers of skopen and jormangers.   Skopen and jormangers had large clans of their own kind in the early Red Era. These tribes of skopen and jormangers had their traditions and rituals but they are now forgotten.   The skopen tribes were all wiped out as well as more than a few innocent elves who "looked like skopen". The jormangers were literally driven underground with the survivors evolving into morlocks.   Humans were new to Scarterra, so they didn't enter the era with cannibals among them. The early humans were warned by spirit messengers to avoid cannibalism, but food was scarce, so sometimes humans turned to cannibalism.   The ancient humans had to purge ogres from their ranks which forced ogres. Ogres were never wiped out completely. The remaining ogres were forced to become more subtle with their cannibalism, but they still developed bonding rituals that they could perform in secret.
Important Locations


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Aug 6, 2024 12:00 by Adrian Waite

This is brilliantly simple. Cannibalism is rare these days ;)

It's Gravy Time!!
Aug 6, 2024 23:03

I wrote this as a buzzer beater in the last hour of Summercamp 2024 so that is why it's pretty simple.   Cannibalism is not particular rare in Scarterra. I like to use cannibals as villains in my RPG campaign/fiction. My article on Cannibal Sickness has nine child articles if you want to read more.   https://www.worldanvil.com/w/scarterra-scalenex/a/cannibal-sickness-condition