Proclamation of Welcoming to the Kalazotz

The Proclamation of Welcoming was a royal decree from King Henryk III intended to encourage kalazotz to move to Fumaya, primarily because the king values their services as messengers.


-To protect the resident kalazotz from those who would harm them.     -To help get Fumayan humans, especially King Henryk's vassals, used to seeing kalazotz and grow accostomed to accepting carried messages from them.     -To encourage more @kalazotz to move to Fumaya.

Document Structure

Publication Status

In order to get the message out, King Henryk made copies of his proclamation and sent them to every one of his vassals in every corner of of Fumaya, and he had heralds read copies outloud in village squares to the masses throughout the land.

Historical Details


After seeing how effective kalazotz messengers during a war in the Border Baronies Region, King Henryk decided he wanted to have kalazotz messengers to aid against the imminent invasion by Swynfaredia.   Flying during the day, they are somewhat vulnerable to archers and enemy mages, but kalazotz flying at night are virtually undetectable except by other kalazotz or by camazotz. so they are ideal for flying messages.   Since Henryk already established good relations with the powerful Redshaft Clan of dwarves and the Redshaft dwarves have famously good relations with the kalazotz, this was a natural opportunity. Through the Redshaft dwarves, communicated that he wanted to hire kalazotz messengers.  
After the adventurer Kormatin led a contingent or royal rangers to thwart an attempted by Swynfaredia to send camazotz mercenaries to kill the king's kalazotz's messengers, the king decided to take further preemptive measures to protect his kalazotz guests.   That was when he drafted the Proclamation of Welcoming. Henryk wanted to make sure none of his subjects attacked or even merely shunned the kalazotz for their odd appearances. More importantly, he wanted to make sure freelance assassins or Swynfaredian spies had no cover if they tried to attack the kalazotz while in Henryk's lands.
Commissioned camazotzflying, grey background by Diana Rahfoth

Public Reaction

The public reaction was often "What the Hell is a kalazotz?" Most commoners weren't even aware that these creatures existed. While they have long been allies to the dwarves and wood elves, they have mostly avoided humans.   They might have heard about the camazotz who are larger and more violent cousins of the kalazotz but even those bat people are generally very far away.     This has informally led to an explosion of storytellers telling stories about both zotz races. Fearing information, King Henryk had his ears on the ground communicate that the dwarves have more experience with the batfolk and to talk to them for accurate informaton.
Announcement, Invitation
Authoring Date
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: Commissioned kalazotz flying, grey background by Diana Rahfoth


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