Royal Knights of Fumaya

King Henryk III Linijka the young king has barely been crowned for more two years and he faces the existential threat of a massive invasion soon.   This has lead him to more than double his number of personal knights and to break tradition with how his knights operate giving them more flexibility and autonomy than any Fumayan king has done in over a hundred years.



King Henryk has about 20 knights owing direct fealty to him.


King Henryk's knights are allowed to arm themselves as they wish.   Most non-spell casters favor lances and morning stars as their primary weapon. Most of his spell-casting knights favor the long sword (bastard sword).   Sir Gerwin is a crack archer.


King Henryk III Linijka has the ultimate say, but he does not like micromanage his minions. He wants to empower his vassals and servants to make good judgements in the field.   Henryk's military right hand is Sir Casmir, the Grand Marshal of Fumaya, but the Grand Marshal is more concerned with the army as a whole rather than baby sitting junior knights.
by Eron12 with Heroforge
  The downside of King Henryk's new organizational system is that it has a loose chain of command since knights all operate as semi-autonomous agents. If a group of knights have to work together without Henryk or the Grand Marshal present, they are going to waste some time establishing a pecking order.


Originally, the Royal Knights of Fumaya rarely left the side of the royal family. Currently King Henryk is encouraging them to rotate between guarding the royal family, going on quests, and leading men-at-arms or militia.   Henyrk wants his champions to continuously walk the Dragons' Path and he wants to have redunant leaders to command his soldiers.


Most of King Henryk's knights are the sons of his vassals, one or two of them are the daughters of his vassals.   Most highborn boys in Fumaya undergo knight's training as part of their education. Fumayan highborn girls may undergo knight's if they ask for it and their parents approve.   Traditionally, King Henryk offers knighthood to those who excel at their knightly skills and are not first in line to inherit a title.   Recently as part of his recruitment drive, King Henryk has knighted common born warriors of exceptional skill and loyalty (essentially adventurers), especially those who are spell-casters.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles

Cover image: Royal Seal of Fumaya by Me using Worldspinner's Heraldry creator


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Aug 19, 2024 21:47 by Marjorie Ariel

I like that he doesn't want to micromanage (I want to work for this guy!) but I also like that you go into why that may be problematic at times.

Aug 20, 2024 03:18

When it takes a really long time to send a message out and get a response (assuming the message arrives at all), you kind of have to give your subordinates autonomy.   When I designed the magic system I made sure there wasn't any magic that could mimic modern long range communication

Aug 21, 2024 03:30 by Marjorie Ariel

Nice. I like the level of thought you've put into that. Sometimes I start writing things only to realize much further down the line that I've created a hole in the logic of my world.