Rumble Speak

"Rumble Speak" is a colloquial term for the system of communication developed by the astalakians using the same basic principle of real world Morse Code. Different combinations of taps create different phonemes which combine to make words which combine to make messages which are then broadcast via taps or thumps on resonate vibrating surfaces.


Most astalakians are fluent in some form of rumble speak.   There are exceptions, but as a whole, astalakians are not a secretive lot and they will teach their language to those who approach them politely. Most non-astalakians do not bother to learn rumble speak but any Scaraquan whose vocation or aspirations require long distance communication make it a point to become some form of rumble speak.   Given how alien this method of communication is, many non-crustacean people are slow learners, though ojiongo have a knack for languages in general and often pick up variations of rumble speak pretty quickly. The ojiongo in fact have invented their own variant of a tapping and clacking based language that they do not teach outsiders.   Anyone who knows the basics of rumble speak can tap a basic message on a rocky surface.   The Oshamni Empire, at great expense, has created long tubes out of resonant Virdilut in order to pass messages between relay stations to allow for relatively rapid communication across great distances.   Some spell-casters have created magical means of transmitting taps and clacks over long distances but this hasn't been implemented on a massive scale.   Other groups have developed means of passing messages visually using light flashes instead of taps and clacks, whether generated by natural bioluminescence or magic.
Access & Availability
Widely available, but fairly expensive.
While Astalakians can speak with their mouths, they can also speak by clacking their claws and this is the genesis of "rumble speak". The first use of "rumble speak" is based on the early alphabet of the Asta'lash language. Each sound generated in the Asta'lash alphabet is represented by a combination of three different simple symbols each corresponding to a type of resonate claw clacking.   A very long time ago, Astalakians linked their alphabet to tap or clack generated sounds a means of communication.   Over time, "rumble speak" has evolved as different cultures with Astalakian minorities began developing their own variations of the language. Also, various engineers and mages have researched gradual improvements to help them broadcast rumble speak messages at longer and longer distances.
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Jul 25, 2023 18:53 by Marc Zipper

Amazing underwater Morse code just loved it

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin