salt mummies

Salt mummies are a rare, but powerful form of undead monster that is spontaneously without the conscious decision of necromancer or another undead being. Salt mummies look like desiccated and dehydrated humanoid corpses. They possess no real sentience. They simply attack any living creature near them on instinct.   Salt mummies occur when a corpse is literally mummified by salt and then exposed to a lot of negative magical energy for a long time. Since Void Demons are powered by negative energy and leave behind piles of salt when they die, most salt mummies were unwittingly created from the aftermath battles between mortal and demon armies during Second Unmaking, but the actual mummies didn’t emerge until the Third Age dawned and salt miners or natural erosion accidentally exposed these salt caked corpses to the surafce   No contemporary necromancer has yet managed to artificially create a salt mummy. Few have tried.   In combat salt mummies punch and kick their opponents utilizing their freakish strength and speed while being unconsciously augmented by their dehydration attack. Basically any living creature near them begins to dehydrate unnaturally quickly, which of course slows their foes down and makes it harder to fight back.   Since salt mummies only inflict blunt trauma, they rarely kill their opponents with their attacks directly. They tend to beat their foes unconscious then use their dehydration attack to kill finish them off.   Salt mummies are not contagious. Those killed by salt mummies do not become salt mummies, unless the corpse gets encased in salt and mummified afterward which might happen accidentally if the fight occurred near a salt deposit, but salt mummies are not clever or foreward thinking to do this on purpose.   Water does not directly harm a salt mummy but splashing a salt mummy with a lot of water will temporarily negate it's dehydration attack and slow down their supernatural healing ability. Salt mummies are tough, but they are far from invincible. They can be brought down by conventional weapons. Salt mummies are self-healing, but unlike a troll, they cannot regenerate after being chopped pieces.
Typical Salt Mummy Stats     Willpower 3 Lethal Soak 7   Dexterity 3, Strength 10, Stamina 7, Appearance 0, Charisma 0, Manipulation 1, Intelligence 1, Perception 2, Wits 2   Abilities: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Intimidation 2, Stealth 2,   Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, -3, -3, Destroyed   Undead: Harmed by heal spells. Immune to poison   Tireless: Salt mummies do not sleep and never suffer fatigue   Regeneration: Salt mummies heal a health level of bashing or lethal damage every minute.   Dehydration: A mortal struck or even touched by a Salt Mummy needs to roll Stamina save or take two minus successes in physical attribute damage.   Vulnerable to Water: Being splashed with ordinary water will temporarily negate their dehydration effect on enemies.   Salt mummies lose their regeneration powers while wet (though they tend to dry off quickly due to their deyhydration effect).   A salt mummy that is completely submerged in water cannot heal at all and will lose one health level every half hour until it can get back onto land or a ship. Salt mummies cannot swim or float, so a salt mummy's only chance is to walk on the surface of a lake or the sea and walk towards shore.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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