
Sharkspeak is the term commonly used to describe the native language of Karakhai.   Karakhai can communicate with each other and to a lesser extant they can communicate with ordinary sharks by sending and receiving electrical impulses.   At close range Karakhai can use electrical impulses to add tone and nuance to their verbal speech. At longer range Karakhai can broadcast very simple messages such as "Help me!" "Food is near" or "Go away!"   Non-Karakhai cannot send or receive electrical impulse messages unless they use magic.   Karakhai never bothered to develop their own system of writing. A few literate Karakhai have adopted a simple script based on the Asta'lash alphabet, but this is not often used. If A Karakhai wants to write something, she usually writes something in a different language altogether.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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