Spirit Griffins Species in Scarterra | World Anvil

Spirit Griffins

Spirit Griffins are one of the more common of the so-called "rare" spirits.   Since Hallisan's common fighting spirits frequently take the forms of lions or eagles, it is not too surprising that Hallisan's spirit army includes griffins which are part lion and part eagle.   Griffins in mortal plane are pretty base and bestial, in some ways embodies the lowliest aspects of lions and eagles, while Hallisan's spirit griffins are noble beings embodying the best aspects of lions and eagles, representing Hallisan's own courage and nobility.   -Tarsynora Craroris, grey elf historian (and part time theologian)
Spirit Griffin Stats     Willpower 6 Lethal Soak 5   Dexterity 5, Strength 4, Stamina 5, Appearance 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Wits 3   Simple Abilities: Alertness 4, Animal Ken 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 1, Intimidation 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2, Theology 1   Natural Weapons: Claw or bite for six dice of lethal damage.   Cold Iron Vulnerability: Cold iron weapons inflict an automatic additional level of damage against spirits and inflict aggravated damage.   Repulsed by Salt: Griffins can cross a line of salt but take two unsoakable aggravated wounds when they do so.   Spirit Tongue: Griffins can understand any mortal language. Griffins can grunt very crude sentences audibly.     Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1. -3, -5 Banished

Cover image: Guardian Icon by me


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