Story Arc 1, Aranil and Neshik save two villages

General Summary

I don't remember if this was two and three sessions or one session but they were two story arcs with a lot of reagent hunting and potion making interludes. Because if Neshik has downtime in the wilderness, he is looking for reagents. If he has down time in a civilized place he is brewing healing potions from said reagents.   Aranil and Neshik were hunting reagents in northern Fumaya but also talking to people and Neshik did a little bit of informal preaching for Khemra while Aranil was a mostly silent sentinel.   The first story arc was that the Village A that the PCs were visiting was being extorted by orcs. It was coming time to pay their orcs their usual tribute but it was missing. They believed a neighboring Village B stole it while the guard was asleep (who was then thrown in stocks as punishment).   The PCs investigated and found that Village B's tribute was missing and they were blaming Village A. Their guard was also asleep on the job.   Aranil and Neshik did some detective work and ranger tracking to find where the thief was hiding. The thief was an independent Testers. He stole the tribute and framed the other villagers for kicks. He didn't really need the money.   They cornered him. He chose to fight to the death. He was a swordsmen and also had three dots of Spirit Magic letting him summon a bunch of wolves with one health level. Aranil did all the fighting taking down the thief and his wolves while Neshik cast healing spells on himself and Aranil.   Surprisingly, the summoned wolves did not disappear when, the summoner died so Aranil had to take them down too. This was because Neshik has the flaw that his spiritual aura attracts Khemra's enemies. Once free of their summoner's control they singlemindedly tried to kill Neshik.   They also found out he chloroformed the guards, so they weren't asleep on duty out of negligence.

Rewards Granted

The PCs returned the village's tribute payment, but the thief had more valuable items.   He had a masterwork rapier, a sizeable amount of of gold, a few healing stoles and a a list of notes with vague references to a potential lost treasure in the northern wilderness.
Report Date
17 Jan 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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