Straykel the Death Raptor

Straykel was (is?) an enigma. One of the true monsters because there is no explanation for where her powers came from and that was never another like her.   She was active at a time when vampires and Cannibal mutants were common, so it's widely believed she was either a tengku vampire or a tengku vulture. Though conventional wisdom was that tengku could not be turned into vampires and vulturism doesn't normally provide powers like Straykel nor did she demonstrate the powers of the documented vampire bloodlines. Straykel did stalk prey in the manner of a vulture and she was never witnessed in direct sunlight much like a vampire.   Straykel was an attractive female (by tengku standards and was reputedly quick witted, athletic, and silver tongued, but still looked liked an "ordinary" tengku most of the time.   Straykel had a "battle transformation" The most noticable change was that her nails grew into long talons that could rend armor, block swords and even axes.   Her feathers hardened and glistened and were said to be like obsidian om both appearance and hardness. This gave her formidable protection, but Straykel was not invincible multiple witnesses claim they saw her bleed from her wounds,   Her eyes periodically glowed in the dark and she could move at supernautrally fast speeds for short bursts. While Straykel had an athletic build she demonstrated raw strength above even the strongest tengku.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Straykel was originally a roguish adventurer of great skill at combat , wilderness survival and breaking and entering. She was mercenary-minded and interested in own enrichment but living by a honor code. She was naturally charming and occasionally generous to the little folk so she was spoken well of in stories at least until she disappeared.   Most assumed she died (as many adventurers ulitmately do), but she reemerged over ten years later seemingly not having aged.   There were a lot of mysterious disappearances around her sightings with a few of the missing people turn up as slashed corpses.   Once cornered and accused of murdering these missing people, she demonstrated her new powers and escaped.   During the wars instigated by and against Vladimir the Conqueror, Straykel fought for no ones' side but was reputedly seen attacking stragglers from battles.   Then attacks attributed to her suddenly stopped without explanation and no one has seen feather or talon of her since.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Dwarven, the tengku's lost language

Cover image: Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney


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