Tapukeah Zeyvem Memorial Hospital

by Me with Hero Forge
-Norabruck Grumblespine, dwarven Rovers
"Many Scarterrans are too proud to stay at a hospital and it is commonly said that it is safer and more comfortable to sleep in a ditch than spend a night in a hospital. Fortunately, as patroness of travelers, Nami, the Lady of Winds, directs her followers to treat weary travelers like family and I can proudly say that the Rovers at this hospital certainly serve the Lady well here. The visitors even get ale here, not just water"
  Like most Scarterran Hospitals, this hospital not a place of healing like a modern Earth hospitals, it is a place of refuge and rest like a medieval Earth hospital. Anyone can stop by and get a free bed and a free meal.   Two things differentiate this hospital from others of its kind. One, a large proportion of the staff are satyrs and two, the quality of the food and lodging is a step above what one normally sees at a hospital.

Public Agenda

To provide food and shelter to weary travelers.


The Tapukeah Zeyven Memorial Hospital is named after a historical satyr priest of Nami who was a famous musician and philanthropist though it is not clear if Tapukeah Zeyven had any prior history with this geographic area.


comissioned portrait of Aleesia the Satyr by Zeta Gardner
-Aleesia the Satyr, Fumayan Rovers
  Despite being named after a famous satyr Rover, Tapukeah Zeyvem Memorial Hospital is a joint entity between the Fumayan Rovers and Fumayan Tenders. That's why it's so replete with both Nami and Mera imagery.   Rovers and Tenders don't always agree on things but both our priesthoods have traditions of welcoming weary travelers so we're a good team here.   Most of the foodstuffs are grown from a nearby Rover-run monastery and most of the other supplies and costs are paid for by the Tenders. The staff is run by a roughly a 60/40 mix of Rovers and Tenders respectively.   It's a big part of daily life for the local Rovers such as myself. While the Rovers teach us to live free and enjoy life, it is important to provide service to those in need. It keeps our hooves grounded and makes sure our priests and priestesses don't lose touch with the common man.   For a long time, like many other local Rovers, my weekly rotation was two days working at the winery, two days at the hospital, two days at the temple, and one day off.   Now I'm part of the militia and getting used to the chaos of being a part-time adventuring theurgist, but I still find it relaxing to do the honest work of serving at the hospital."
Religious, Other
The Tapukeah Zeyvem Memorial Hospital is located on a major cross roads sandwiched between the Village of Satyrs and a nearby human village in north central Duchy of Wiern.
Official Languages
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Cover image: Ancient Greek Inspired Nami Symbol by me with Nightcafe


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