The "Demographic Problem"

When Apseldia was established, almost 90% of the population was half-elves.  Now only 63% of the population is half-elves.   Some outspoken citizens in the Council want to keep Apseldia for the half-elves and others think it's folly to try to main a semblance of "racial purity" with half-breeds.   Some want to to restrict non-half elf immigration, especially human immigration (they breed so fast).  Others simply say they want to bring more half elves in.  Some even want to deport some non half-elves though that is fairly unpopular with mainstream members of the Council.   On the opposite end, their opponents say that demographics don't matter as long as the Zarthus ideals of freedom are maintained.  Some of them say that voting rights should be given to more non half elves though that is fairly unpopular with mainstream members of the Council.
Conflict Type
Political Debate

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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