The "Population Problem"

Apseldia does not grow enough food to feed their population.  They can import the difference with imported food stuffs but many Apseldians are concerned that they are now are dependent foreign nations to meet their basic needs.    

Trade Based Solutions

  The most popular response to this problem is to increase trade ties with other nations.  This is essentially the status quo.  The idea is that Apseldia can grow indefinitely as long as trade is strong.  Ideally they want to maintain trade ties with as many nations as possible so they cannot be held hostage if a single nation suddenly turns hostile and decides to stop trading with them.  

Population Controls

  If there isn't enough food that means there are too many people.  Some in the Apseldian Council suggest that Apseldia shoudl restrict immigration, especially restrict immigration of non-half elves.   A few go even farther and want to deport some/most/all non half-elves, especially humans.  


  Apseldia may be a small nation, but it's a scrappy nation.  No one says they have to limit themselves to a single city-state forever.  Why not create some colonies.  Of course the next question is "whose land do you want to take?"  The answer is usually from Kahdisteria or the Elven Empire.   Yes, these two nations are much stronger than Apseldia is but these nations have many enemies.  If Apseldia allied with these nations' enemies they could defeat these fading superpowers and take their land.  


  The least popular option is to ration food and other supplies and to also cut back on the production of luxury goods.  Many view this as a betrayal of Zarthus' principles but the idea has yet to die completely in the Council.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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