The Confession of Euros

The Confession of Euros rewrote Swynfaredian history as it was understood.  

History as We Know It

  Long ago, the so called "Founding Dragons of Swynfaredia", Fremiss the Vibrant, Numaness the Mystic, Kovenoth the Builder, and Gorisonad the Wise set the groundwork for creating a nation with dragonblooded aristorcracy of sorcerers and sorceresses using their own half-dragon children as the ruling class.   The Founding Dragons agreed that the first king of Swynfaredia would be determined by merit and they set up a series of contests and trials for the candidates to undergo. Each of the Founding Dragons chose one of their sons to be their House's champion.   It was widely believed that Lord Tecwyn ap Fremiss was the most likely to win, but Lord Steffon ap Numaness was the unexpected victor, so King Steffon Numaness the First became the first king of Sywnfaredia and the royal remained with House Numaness for over eight hundred years all the way up to the current queen Gwendolyn ap Numaness.  

The Confessino of Euros

  Euros was a respected alchemist of his time but mostly forgotten to history. He wrote a death bed confession that he was commissioned to create a subtle and slow acting poison to sabotage Lord Tecwyn's chances. It was not enough to threaten his life (Lord Tecywn lived to be fairly old) but it did mean that he wasn't at his best during the most important contest of Tecywn's life.   And because Tecwyn ended up receiving magical Purification after the contest due to hexes he received, any poison in system that would be magically detectable was purged from his system.   All that and Tecywyn still came in second place of the four champions.   Many suspected the letter was a hoax, but Euros provided a great deal of information which backs up his story. He wrote about how Tecywyn's mistress put the poison in his food. Euros a lot of details that were not commonly known showing that even if the story was a hoax, it was a well-researched hoax utilizing many private details of the intrigues of House Fremiss at the time.   Euros believed that the mysterious person who hired him was not necessarily hoping House Humaness would get the crown, he was just hoping House Fremiss wouldn't get it.   Euro's confession was not released right after his death. It was released almost two centuries after his death. Eighty-one copies of the letter were made and each sent to a different high ranking noble in one of the four major houses.   By which point there multiple successive kings born to Numaness. Kingdom of Swynfaredia couldn't retcon a new royal line at this point without a massive civil war. It is possible that they could have transferred the crown peacefully if the Founding Dragons signed on to it, but by that point the Founding Dragons were long gone.   House Fremiss was hardly a unified block at this time. Even if Fremiss was willing and able to fight a civil war with the other houses over the crown, they would not have been able to agree which one of their house would get the crown.


To reveal a massive scandal tainting Swynfaredia's founding.

Historical Details


The official line among the Swynfaredian Dragonbloods is that the "Confession of Euros" is a hoax, but unofficially many believe it has validity but it's too late fight over it now.   The Confession of Euros is sometimes brought up to fan the flames of unrest or house-on-house infighting.
Study, Historical

Cover image: Fremiss Heraldry V by Me with Midjourney


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