The Nami Civil War

One of the best kept secrets of the goddess Nami's core followers, the Rovers on the Wind is that they are in a near perpetual cycle of internal conflict.   Approximately every four generations the conflict turns violent, then a shaky peace is declared for one generation followed by two or three generations of escalating tensions.   The core conflict is that Nami teaches personal freedom and following your wishes and whims, but she didn't specify how one should treat the freedom of others.   Some view that the freedoms of others should be nurtured and protected. Some view the freedoms of others as irrelevant and people should be able to defend their own freedom. Many view this as academic, neither helping nor harming the liberties of others.   To oversimplify things, when the default moral position is Chaotic Neutral, expect conflict between the Chaotic Good and Chaotic Evil minorities.   Eventually those Rovers who believe in helping others come into direct conflict with those Rovers who view others as playthings for their amusement.   Right now the current iteration is the Rover faction known as the Gentle Rain being arrayed against the faction known as the Bacchites.   Very few Rovers identify as Bacchites or Gentle Rain, but like with most things concerning Nami, the Rovers defy hard labels. Rover ideology is not standardized so beliefs such as the importance or respecting the welfare of others exists on a spectrum. Some sympathize with the Bacchites without claiming membership among them and some sympathize with the Gentle Rain without claiming membership with them. Many Rovers are trying to play peace maker and keep tensions in line but this is becoming increasingly difficult.   As their name suggests, most Rovers rove a lot. Many depend on Rover controlled temples, inns, and waystations to aid them on their travels, but at at this point, a disproportionate share of these sites are controlled by the Gentle Rain or Gentle Rain sympathizers and they have begun breaking Rover tradition and barring their doors against Bacchites and Bacchite sympathizers, claiming not to want to give them hideouts to avoid the repercussions of their criminal acts. It is only a matter of time before the two factions come to blows.     Very few outsiders know or even suspect that the Rovers quarrel amongst like this because there is an unspoken tradition among Rovers to not involve outsiders. When actual violence occurs, both factions strive to fight in isolated areas and the victor of each skirmish is honor bound to hide evidence of their bloodshed.   This dĂ©tente of secrecy may be coming to an end. The Bacchites have put out feelers for allies among the Testers of Maylar and the Gentle Rain has been forging ties with the Tenders of Mera. Both factions are breaking long standing traditions involving outsiders in their conflict and Rovers who are neutral leaning in this conflict are often appalled by this but both the Gentle Rain and Bacchites claim the other side broke tradition by calling in outsiders first.

The Conflict

The Engagement

The Rovers don't have any soldiers per se, but most Rovers can take care of themselves.   While the Nami's "war" is world wide, it's more about skirmishes than battles because the Rovers themselves are not very numerous and are widely dispersed.
Conflict Type
Political Debate

Cover image: by Me


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