The Red Shaft Clan namesake axe shards

The Redshaft Clan's famous axe shards would otherwise look unremarkable, like an ordinary footman's battle axe but broken. The fact that it was magically encased in crystal and locked in a secure vault suggest it has hidden value.   To the dwarves of the Red Shaft clan, the broken shards are a priceless piece of their proud history. It is the very source of their clan name, though the blood spilled on the axe shaft has long since dried so the broken shaft is no longer red.


The Redshaft Clan was formerly known as the Shoemakers Clan until one of their vice elders broke his axe in a very famous battle, the thrilling adventures, you can read about here in a full short story, or just skip to the spoiler.  
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During a famous duel between a clan leader Yodrick and an orc war chief, the orc broke Yodrick's axe and taunted him only to have Yodrick stab him through the eye with the broken shaft of his axe.


The axe shards have no magical or martial value, only sentimental value, though they could be reforged into a new magic axe relatively easily if the Redshaft Clan was so obliged, they preferred to keep their namesake trophy unchanged.   The shards are encased in magically shaped crystal and only let out of their vault for weddings, funerals, and baptisms assuming circumstances permit a wedding, funeral or baptism to take place near the Red Shaft clan's main estate.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
1088, Year of Hallisan
Destruction Date
1117, Year of Maylar
Current Location
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Base Price
3 gold pieces in scrap, priceless in sentimental value
Raw materials & Components
ordinary wood and steel though the pieces are magically encased in crystal.

Cover image: Crude Red Shaft Sigil by me


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