the Silver Dragons

Every since the conclusion of the Divine Rebellion, it is a very rare occurrence to see all nine of the Nine cooperate on any single act of divine power, but they realized that the Second Unmaking was a serious enough threat to manage at least one complete joint venture, the creation of a group of spirits empowered by all the Nine as opposed to most garden variety spirits empowered by one of the Nine.   The Silver Dragons were said to be a joint creation of all the Nine working together and they were extremely effective at destroying Void demons as they were imbued with the very essence of silver and silver is especially damaging to minions of the Void.   Details on their original numbers are sketchy. Storytellers often say that there were nine Silver Dragons, but some scholars argue there were only three or as many as forty.   All Silver Dragons were eventually destroyed forever and the Nine never chose to recreate them. The rare and valuable Sovereign silver is believed to be the remnants of destroyed Silver Dragons.

Basic Information


The Silver Dragons were fashioned after regular mortal dragons only they skin, scales, teeth, claws, and horns all shone like polished silver.   The Silver Dragons were not as large as the biggest mortal dragons. Accounts on their size vary widely but the majority of reputable resources seem to suggest that they were about fifteen to twenty feet long snout to tail, making them comparable in size to relatively young dragons.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most other spirits, the Silver Dragons did not require food, but they did require energy receiving their divine energy or mana from the Nine directly.


There are few things that can permanently destroy a spirit, but Void Demon energy is one of them. While it seemed that the Silver Dragons were willing to die to defend mortal kind, they were not willing to throw their existences away recklessly. Most surviving accounts and legends of the Silver Dragons actions suggest that they performed hit-and-run guerilla style attacks to run interference for groups of mortal refugees rather than forming up for military style frontal assaults.   They were generally more defensively minded than offensively minded. According to the stories, when they did fight to the death it was usually near a large group of mortals whom they were defending.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Not being true dragons, they couldn't hear and smell as well as mortal dragons but they had divine senses from the Nine letting them detect large concentrations of mortal souls and large concentrations of Void energy to help them plan their defenses and sorties.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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