
Phidas is more known for using devious curses to punish those who earn his wrath, but even the Masked Lord has some spirit minions capable of using brute force. The Uktena represent such a spirit.   It/they is/are utilized by the Masked Lord to destroy his enemies or test his champions.

Basic Information


The Uktena is a giant poison spitting snake of prodigous size with antlers like a stag. It disappear almost completely like a chameleon but it can also take a sinister red coloration if it wants to be obvious and intimidating. The Uktena has a perfect diamond in it's forehead.   In combat it is very fast and strong. It's thick scales are difficult to penetrate and it can skillfully deflect melee attacks with its antlers.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is clear whether Phidas has a whole brood of Uktena at his command or if the Uktena is a single entity, true monster, that Phidas keeps reincarnating.

Ecology and Habitats

As a spirit, the Uktena lives in the Aetherial Realm and only occasionally manifests in the material plane when bidden by Phidas or when summoned by a powerful servant of Phidas.   The Uktena has only ever been seen in or near fresh water, whether that is a limitation of the Uktena or merely a preference remains unknown.

Civilization and Culture


The Uktena is aligned with Phidas now, but some speculate that this was not always the case. Some wonder if Phidas stole or bought the Uktena from one of the rest of the Nine   Since the Uktena has the facial features of a relatively ordinary snake and not a deformed or shadowy faced snake, this makes Uktena somewhat of an anomaly among Phidas spirits, the vast majority either have hideous faces or wear some kind of mask.   In legends told by the Masks of Phidas, the Uktena is typically seen slaying Phidas' enemies or tests Phidas' champions (who are challenged to pry the diamond from its forehead, after which the diamond will turn into a magical charm of some sort.   The Masks claim that the Uktena slew many Void demons to defend mortals during the Second Unmaking but there are no written accounts or direct evidence to back this claim.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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