Unicorn hair and horns

Unicorn  hair is very magically potent and counts as a durable reagents, that can be used for creating many types of magical items.  Especially hair from the tail. Hair from the main is worth less, and hair from the body is worth very little.   Hair strands or flakes of horn that a unicorn gives away willingly are very potent.  A few strands can be worth hundreds of silver pieces.  A tiny shaving of a unicorn horn can be worth up to 50 silver pieces.   Hairs taken from a dead unicorn are much less potent, but naturally, a lot hair can be be harvested.  If a unicorn died a natural death, it's hairs can be harvested for a collective value of approximately two or three hundred gold pieces, and it's horn can theoretically be sold for another 100 gold pieces, give or take.   A unicorn that was murdered, their body loses their magical potency even more, typically with the total hair being worth up to a 100 gold pieces and the horn selling for around 50 gold pieces.  Still more than enough incentive for many to slay a unicorn.   Some places ban the trade of whole unicorn horns and mass amounts of hair at once.
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Cover image: Crude draft of Stewards Icon by me


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