Uskalan Magic School

Scarterra has about a half a dozen magic schools, most are very small.  The largest wizard school in Scarterra is located in Uskala.   At any given time, Uskala's magic school has roughly a hundred students and around twenty instructors, plus about twenty people on the support staff.  While about one in five students wash out, those that do not wash out typically study four to six years before graduating.   Tuition costs roughly 2000 gold pieces a year, so most of the wizarding students are the sons and daughters of nobility or very wealthy burghers.   Even if they have the money to pay the tuition, perspective students still need to pass a written entrance exam and have one of the staff vouch for the student.   Perspective students who pass the written entrance exam can petition King Drosst or one of Uskala's dukes to pay their tuition.     In exchange for tuition, the student agrees to provide his or her sponsor with magical services for five years at a pittance salary.  Many choose to serve their lord longer, but after the five years of mandatory service, they get paid a much better salary.

Public Agenda

To further the advancement of wizardry for the common good.


The Uskalan magical school was originally much smaller than it is now.  When Uskala annexed the small nation the magic school was apart of, he offered to give the school his royal patronage.   The headmaster refused and then Drosst killed him.  The deputy headmistress agreed to Drosst's terms.  The school has been an instrument of Drosst's rule since, growing in size, staff and students over the generations.
Educational, School/Academy
Government System
Official Languages

Cover image: by Me


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