Water Aspect Fae

Water is always moving, but always constant. Water aspect fae may be shallow or they may have great hidden depths to their personalities, but they always want to pretend to be deep even if they are not. Many water aspect fae like to speak in riddles and are frustratingly indirect. Water distorts light, so many water aspect fae like to put up a false front.   Words commonly used to describe water aspect Fae include enigmatic, sensual, empathetic, mercurial and vain.   A great many fae have shape shifting powers but water aspect fae tend to be the best shape shifters. A great many fae have illusion powers but water aspect fae tend to be the best illusionists. They also have minor access to healing and augmentation.   Fair Folk with mild water aspects superficially resemble mortal humanoids with water elemental ethnicity while fae with stronger water aspects display more literal watery traits such as having miniature water falls for hair.
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