Winter Demon RPG Stats

  Winters Demons are about twice the weight of common Void Demons and half again as tall. They have a cold aura and often frost the air, ground, or objects around them. Instead of legs they have a mass of tentacles. In addition to being able to direct lesser demons to use more sophisticated tactics in warring against mortals, they will focus on wide scale destruction as much as they focus on souls. They will use their cold powers to blight crops for instance.   Willpower 6 Lethal Soak 6   Strength 6, Dexterity 3, Stamina 6, Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3   Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Hearth Wisdom 1, Intimidation 3, Investigation 1, Leadership 1, Stealth 2, Survival 1, Tracking 3   Arcane Magic: Invocation 4, (40 quintessence)   Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, -3, Incapacitated, Destroyed  

Energy Drain

: If a claw attack is unsoaked, subject takes a point of physical Attribute Damage. If a subject is grappled successfully, target loses one physical attribute per turn even without claw damage. Each dot of attribute damage inflicts and recovers or adds a health level to the Faceless. Health levels over the maximum disappear after Willpower hours. Targets who lose every dot of physical attribute are slain. Sapient creatures killed by Void Demon’s energy drain sometimes become Faceless themselves. The odds of becoming a faceless are the victim’s Willpower x 10 as a percentage   Wings: Void Demons can fly and hover even though their mass looks too high to fly with their wings. They can still fly when magic is being suppressed.   Telepathy: Void Demons can talk to other Demons within a range in miles of the highest Wits of the Demon network. Demons can talk to mortals telepathically if they so choose (though they rarely do).   Life Sense: Void Demons get a -1 difficulty bonus on Perceptions rolls to detect living creatures. This is boosted to -2 bonus if the target has a mortal soul. Void Demons can track living creatures by sniffing out their positive energy. Difficulty 6 assumes a small group of adventurers with about four hours’ head start. Modify the difficulty up or down based on size of group, distance, and age of the trail accordingly.   Creature of the Void: Void Demons are immune to negative energy damage and cold based damage. They are never healed by positive energy unless they steal it but they cannot be harmed by healing magic the way undead can.   Creature of Cold: Winter Demons do not have the flexibility of mortal arcane casters with Invocation and can only make cold based attacks.


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