wooden golems

Wooden golems are not very popular. They are roughly twice as strong as straw golems and roughly ten times as expensive. Assuming a golem crafter wants a golem to fight his battles, most will save up their money to make an iron golem or opt to make a horde of straw golems rather than use wooden golems   One advantage wooden golems have in combat is that they are the only golems that can fire bows with a high degree of accuracy. This is due to SCIENCE! of course. Their mystical tie to wood gives them a metaphysical kinship with wooden bows.   Most wooden golems are created for artistic, social functions, or espionage rather than martial functions. Wood is a pretty easy artistic medium to work with. Most wooden golems are crafted to be very beautiful. Properly painted and carved, a wooden golem can pass for a regular human in low light.   The rarest wooden golems are made of SIlverwood . This is sometimes done to have a golem to fight incorporeal creatures but it’s mainly done for conspicuous consumption.   The Stewards are one of the few groups that regularly creates wooden golems. Their aptitude with plant magic lets them construct wooden golems somewhat cheaper than other golem crafters and they imbue supernatural resilience and other powers upon the wood they use.   For the RPG mechanics of creating wooden golems, check out Wooden Golems by the Numbers

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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