Zajac of the Fumayan Lanterns

Zajac is a non-spellcasting priest of Zarthus in the Fumayan Lanterns primarily based in the city of King's Lake.   Zajac is a character who is quoted in other articles fairly often.  
His intial background was as a thespian and stunt performer but he is also a keen observer of the mortal psyche and found there is a lot of overlap between acting and politics.   He tagged along with Kormatin's adventuring party, mainly to teach them how to make disguises but he was surprisingly useful outside of this as well.
by Eron12 with Heroforge

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zajac grew up in an impoverished somewhat abusive hom where the family often went hungry. His father did his best to feed his family but he had a temper.   As a child, Zajac ran away from home and fell in with a roving acting troupe. He became a stage hand and then an actor. Zajac found he had a knack for performing. He performed in comedies, dramas, muscials, Jelly Spear plays and more. He eventually attracted the attention of a Lantern who recruited him and mentored him.   Zajac has risen in status and esteem within the Lanterns and is respected within and out of his temple.


Most of his early education was learned on the job via varying performance troupes. He learned athletics, acting, and became a keen observer of emotions and hidden motivations.   Once recruited into the Lanterns, his mentor rounded out his education on swordsmanship, stealth, politics, and reading and writing.
  Willpower 6   Dexterity 4, Strength 2, Stamina 3, Appearance 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Intelligence 3, Perception 4, Wits 3   Simple Abilities: Alertness 2, Animal Ken 1, Athletics 3 (+1 stunts), Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Empathy 3, Etiquette 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Investigation 1, Leadership 1, Legerdemain 3, Stealth 3, Subterfuge 3     Trained Abilities: Archery 0, Commerce 1, Enigmas 1, Hearth Wisdom 0, History 1, Medicine 0, Melee 3 (+1 swords), Performance 4 (acting, dancing, singing), Politics 1, Ride 1, Sailing 0, Seneschal 0, Survival 1, Theology 2 (+1 Zarthus) Rare Abilities: Lip Reading 1     Merits: Shield Proficiency, Blind Fighting, Priest
Year of Birth
1804 CE 34 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Nami's Zodiac Year, Phidas' Zodiac Month
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Eron12 with Heroforge
Character Portrait image: by Eron12 with Heroforge


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