The Dragon War Myth in Scellia | World Anvil

The Dragon War

The Beginning

At the end of the first age the chromatic dragons, led by Ahr'Mirlor, began a crusade to conquer Armells. Sweeping through the highlands and northern plains, they slaughtered countless settlers; and razed numerous towns. The destruction drove the people southward, and into the dwarves' mountains. After Kingsburg's destruction, the humans were pushed almost to the southern coast. However, just before the chromatics could finish off the human race, the saviors appeared.

Metallic dragons from all over the world rushed to the aid of the mortal races and with their help, the chromatic invasion was halted. Unfortunately, Ahr'Mirlor was still too powerful and it was impossible to gain any ground against the chromatic invaders.

The Spell

  After years of conflict the elders of the metallic dragons devised a plan to end the war once and for all. The five elders devised a powerful spell, one that would shake the fabric of reality in ways that only they could understand. The ancient gold dragon Aal'Rahanir brought the spell to the king of the humans, the great Finrald, who ordered his magicians to assist the dragons in everything they need to complete the great spell. This great work, gifted to them by the dragons would prove to be their salvation.

Once everything was prepared, the metallic dragons began an all out attack on the chromatic's new territory, drawing all of the chromatic dragons into the fight. Once the fighting had reached it's crescendo, the mages began their chanting. As they chanted the very air began to vibrate. With a blinding flash of light the spell was complete.

The Aftermath

  The light faded, and with it the noise of the battle that was roaring around plains. The silence was deafening. The dragons were gone; not just the chromatic, but also the metallic.
  With peace finally settling over the mortal races, king Finrald declared a new era for man. A time of rebuilding and growth. However, not all could be rebuilt. The spell used to combat the dragons was not well understood, and the side effects devastating. The 25 mages who cast the spell began aging rapidly, and all died with 3 weeks of the casting. The once verdant land around that final battlefield also began withering. Over the course of 6 months, the green plains had changed into a vast desert where no plant life grew. This land was renamed The Scar.