Healer in Scion Earth | World Anvil
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Mortal Healer Knacks improve your ability to heal and help your allies with mundane medicines. Healer Knacks are driven by the concepts of purification and restoration.    The Bare Minimum: You are always able to safely tend to someone’s wounds, even if you have no sanitary medical tools available. Even if all you have are twigs and dirt, you’ll be able to perform surgery at no increased difficulty and at no risk to your patient.    Combat Medic: When you tend to an ally’s wounds in the heat of battle as a reflexive action, once per turn remove any Bruised Injury they may be suffering — including damage sustained to armor — without needing to roll.    Damage Conversion: When you administer medical attention to a patient or yourself as an action, convert any Injuries to one lower: Maimed becomes Injured, Injured becomes Bruised, and Bruised Injuries heal completely.    Doctor’s Kit: At the start of a combat scene, roll your Knack Skill. Spend the resulting successes on the following Stunts whenever a bandmate or allied character in the same range band as you takes an Injury:    Ice Pack (1s): Remove a Bruised Injury, including those sustained by armor.   Swift Bandaging (2s): Remove an Injured Injury.   Emergency Operation (4s): Remove a Maimed Injury until the end of the scene.   Immunization Booster: Designate up to your Knack Skill in targets to be under your care. While under your protection, they get +2 Enhancement to all rolls to resist disease and poison, and to recover from Injuries. Storyguide characters you protect in this way are automatically protected — that is, the Storyguide does not need to make rolls when they would be affected by disease or poison.    Surgeon with the Hands of God: Halve the time you need to undertake any kind of medical procedure (such as surgery). You never face any increased difficulty to treat a critically ill or injured patient.    With a Glance: When you spend time interacting with an ailing target, you diagnose what is wrong with him, as well as any other pertinent medical information. In the event that she is diagnosing a patient suffering from a supernatural disease, this may require a Knack Skill roll, which is opposed by whomever afflicted the victim.


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