Hunter in Scion Earth | World Anvil
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At the Mortal level, Hunter Knacks improve your ability to pursue and track a target and avoid detection when on the hunt. Hunter Knacks are driven by the concepts of pursuit and perception against a single target, called the quarry.   Like Creator Knacks, Hunter Knacks do not need a literal stalked target. Figurative stalking — be it chasing down a malevolent Kami hidden in construction blueprints or pursuing a black hat hacker through a mainframe. So long as there is opposition, it’s sufficient for Hunters to pursue.    Apex Predator: When a target of lower Tier who you have been pursuing attacks you or otherwise attempts to hunt you in return, increase the difficulty of all Stunts they apply against you by 1. If this target is your quarry, increase it by an additional +1.    Eyes in the Blinds: Spend Momentum to invest a fraction of your power into a small token (a coin, a figurine, dice, an arrowhead, etc.). Place this token anywhere in a Field you are aware of, and for as long as it remains in place you have the power to observe the goings-on in the Field as if you were present. This lasts for the duration of a day in-game time, or for a session of play, whichever is longer. You do not have to deliver the token yourself and may send an ally or animal companion to deliver it instead. If the token is destroyed or otherwise removed from the Field, the effect ends. The Difficulty to notice the token is equal to your Hunter Calling dots.    Internal Compass: You always know your precise direction — whether that be navigating while on foot or driving a car, or working your way out of a petty God’s labyrinthine prison. You do not ever have to roll to navigate somewhere or to find your way out of being lost. If you are entrapped in a magical maze, make a Clash of Wills with 2 Enhancement.    Keen-Eyed Predator: When you enter a Field, you extend your senses to determine what might await you. Ask one question from the following list for free. You may roll your Knack Skill and spend one success per additional question. The Storyguide must answer these questions honestly:
  • What kinds of hazards (such as terrain) are present?
  • Where is the nearest exit?
  • Where is the safest way in?
  • How many hostile enemies are present?
  • Who (or what) is the biggest threat?
Most Dangerous Prey: Choose an enemy to be your quarry. When you pursue your quarry, gain +1 Enhancement to all rolls made against the target (including attack rolls) until the end of the session or until you catch them, whichever comes first. You gain access to the following Stunts, which may be applied to any attack action made against your quarry:    Stalk (1s): After resolving your attack, spend a success to take an additional Move action.    Snare (any successes above Defense): You trap the target in place. They may not make Move, Rush, or Disengage actions. To end the effect, the target must make Athletics + Dexterity rolls vs. your Knack Skill until they succeed or until you choose to end it, whichever comes first.    Silence in the Woods: When pursuing a target, you make no noise at all, adding +2 Enhancement to avoid detection based on hearing/sound (including things that can perceive vibrations without specifically hearing) and to set up ambushes. This Enhancement applies before you roll. Recording equipment is also unable to pick up your sound.    Worrying Hound: While pursuing a target, you do not face any increase in difficulty to track down your target, even if they were to take flight, hide in a body of water, or attempt to disappear into the back alleys of a crowded city. You always have some idea of where your target has gone, and gain +1 Enhancement to keep up with him and to apply any Stunts you may have access to from Hunter Knacks. When you hunt your quarry, add another +1 Enhancement.


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