Judge in Scion Earth | World Anvil
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Mortal Judge Knacks give you power over the truth and analysis and enhance your ability to be just. Judge Knacks are driven by the concepts of judgment and scrutiny.    Eye for an Eye: When you suffer an Injury, spend Momentum and inflict the same Injury on the target that attacked you. The target must have attacked you directly; you cannot reflect attacks that targeted someone else. If the target does not have the ability to take a similar Injury (having your arm bitten by a giant snake, for example), inflict an Injury of similar severity instead, such as a festering, envenomed bite mark. This also applies to Critical Hits inflicted.    Indisputable Analysis: You spend a moment observing the scene you wish to analyze and the player makes a Knack Skill roll. You then apply the successes on this roll as Enhancement to all rolls made to analyze and investigate the incident for the rest of the scene. These successes apply before you roll.    Lie Detector: Anyone of a Tier lower than you suffers +2 Complication to lie to you. If you are currently casing and they are somehow involved, they simply cannot lie to you at all. The Storyguide should also notify you when a lie has been told, though it does not automatically reveal the truth, and also reveals nebulous truth, such as “he has been convinced this is true” — which should always be a means for characters to pursue the person who manipulated the target in the first place.    Objection!: You mark a target, and anyone targeting them with an action gains +1 Enhancement to all rolls. This bonus applies before you roll. Gain access to the following Stunt, which you may apply to any of your attack actions:    Terrify (any successes above Defense): After applying this Stunt, the target must make a Clash of Wills roll. On a failure, they must flee the fight or suffer +2 Difficulty to attack rolls until the fight is over.    On the Case: When you investigate an event or scene, you are casing. While casing, gain +1 Enhancement to rolls to discern motives and search for clues, which applies before you roll. Casing lasts until the end of the session.    Quick Study: You sweep your eyes over a crime scene and collects clue almost immediately. Halve the time you would need to perform an investigation. Quarter it if you are also casing.    The Truth Arises: When you engage in conversation (or other such interaction) with an alleged perpetrator of a crime, make a Knack Skill roll. On a success, if the target is guilty, he will leak a piece of information that connects him to his crime. Before expending effort on using this Knack, let the Storyguide know, and she should tell you if the target does not have any valuable information to leak — which in itself can be helpful in an investigation.


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