Leader in Scion Earth | World Anvil
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Mortal Leader Knacks grant you the power to hold sway over your followers and keep order in the midst of chaos. Leader Knacks are driven by the concepts of charisma and control.    This section references characters that “follow” the Leader Scion. Followers are typically not bandmates and are often trivial targets (though not necessarily). Use this as a metric for determining whether or not a character is a follower.    Captain of Industry: When you take charge of a group, roll Knack Skill. For every two successes rolled, reduce the difficulty of all actions taken by the group you command by 1. You can inspire a number of people equal to your Leadership + 1 or can spend a point of Momentum to apply this to a much larger group, giving the action a Scale. The decrease in difficulty does not apply to you, though while you are inspiring others, you gain +2 Enhancement to apply to Social rolls involving leadership, and any Stunts you may have gained from Knacks.    Cloak of Dread: You project an aura of menace that terrifies and intimidates anyone who would dare cross you. Spend Momentum and double your successes on any Knack Skill rolls to intimidate targets. Enemies of a lesser Tier and extras simply will not attack you.   Good Listener: When you make casual conversation with an SGC, that character will reveal information or an important detail that the Leader is looking for if they know it. Before using this ability, tell the Storyguide what you’re seeking; if the SGC doesn’t know it, you immediately become aware that the character isn’t relevant to your quest. Even the most recalcitrant of characters eventually opens up and reveals a clue — this power requires no roll.    Grand Entrance: When you make a first impression, roll your Knack Skill. On a success, the target remembers you favorably, granting you +1 Enhancement to all Social rolls made towards them until the end of the session.    Lighthouse of Society: In a tense, heated, or chaotic situation, you stand as a beacon of certain leadership. Your presence is a bulwark against fear and panic. As long as a crowd has not been frightened directly by magical means, you can get a group of people to act calm and do as you ask (such as evacuating a dangerous area) in an orderly fashion without needing to roll. A supernatural situation requires a Clash of Wills. For example, if an enemy Scion of Eris sows panic into a crowd of mortals so they’ll bolt and trample each other, a roll would be made against her. If Poseidon creates a tidal wave that happens to scare people because natural disasters are terrifying, a roll would not be made against him.    Perfect Poise: You cannot be shaken by panic or fear unless it is from another supernatural source — in which case, you gain 2 Enhancement to resist it (such as making Clash of Wills rolls) that applies before you roll. You also gain +1 Enhancement to all Social rolls involving grace, poise, or composure, and keeping a “poker face.” This also applies before you roll.


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