Mount Olympus Geographic Location in Scion Earth | World Anvil
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Mount Olympus

Haven of the Theoi, this Overworld is patterned on the Mount Olympus the World knows, riddled with deep gorges that seat the palaces of the Olympians, those Gods and Goddesses rule from this shining mountain. Here, they consume ambrosia and nectar; here, they attend prayers, the sacrifices dispensed by ever-vigilant Hestia who guards the hearth; here, they needle at each other until, inevitably, someone snaps.  

Pantheon, Agora of the Gods

Atop the peak of Olympus sits the Pantheon, a palace dedicated to all and to none. Here is the hearth of Olympus, and the thrones for all the Gods and Goddesses who live in its gorges. Here is where the arguments take place, where humiliation is inflicted, and — when the time is right — war is planned.  

The Forge of Hephaestus

Less a palace and more an enormous metalworking complex, by night the Forge casts the whole of the mountain in a warm, red glow. Here, Hephaestus labors to create works of brilliance and beauty, gifts or traps alike for his family and those of their descent — not to mention those he makes solely for himself.
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