Paths in Scion Earth | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Paths represent a series of decisions characters have made or experiences they’ve had over the course of their lives. They are the ways characters define themselves. Connected to those decisions and experiences are people — coworkers, friends, followers, family — and resources — lab space, heavy equipment, research archives — that each character can still access.   Define three Paths for your character: Origin, Role, and Society/Pantheon.


The Origin Path is a character’s background, where and how she got started. While Origin may refer to a character’s upbringing, it does not have to. Rather, a player should think through her character’s backstory about the events that were most formative.    Examples: Globetrotting Army Brat, Childhood in a War Zone, Daughter of Harlem, Loki-Carved from a Living Ash Tree, Raised Among Agni’s Chosen.


The Role Path is the character’s occupation or area of expertise. The profession is not just what a character does, but is part of how she defines herself. She seeks out opportunities to practice her profession and hone her skills related to it.    Examples: “It’s not really lifesaving if I’m not in mortal peril!”, Trauma Surgeon with Life in his Hands, Wall Street Whistleblower, She to Whom the Woods Whisper, Physicist-Priestess.


The Society or Pantheon Path is a connection each character has to an organization, cult, group, or one of the possible pantheons (see Appendix). The affiliation may be positive or negative, but either way, it must be significant to the character and how she sees herself. If the affiliation is negative (e.g. “on the run from...”), the character should still have some friends or favors she can call on. Characters may also be able to leverage a negative affiliation with other groups in an “enemy of my enemy” sort of way. If you can’t think of anything else, note your supernatural affiliation here: like, say, that you’re the child of a God.    Examples: The Fire of Her Mother, “Make something of yourself, kid,” Daughter of Oya Iyansan, Loki-Defying Vanaheim Refugee, She of Smoke and Blue Flame.


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