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Bovilton, The Paragon city

Geographic location: Bovilton is located on the shores of the Great Ocean, making it a strategic and vital port city for the maritime trade of the Duchy of Elemon. Its location allows for the flow of goods and people from all over the kingdom and from other places on the continent.   Bustling Harbour: Bovilton Harbor is a point of great activity and vibrancy. Ships of all sizes, from different nations and kingdoms, dock at the docks, unloading and loading cargo. The smells of the sea, the sound of breaking waves and the cry of seagulls fill the air, creating a typical harbor atmosphere.   Architecture & Style: Bovilton has old maritime architecture dating back centuries, with multi-storey buildings overlooking the harbor and cobbled streets branching off the seafront. Bright colors once dominated the facades of buildings, with shades of blue, white and green that recall the sea and the surrounding nature. The cumbersome presence of the cathedral of Sardar the Holy Knight and the presence of many priests and militiamen of the temple, has only partially dampened the natural cheerfulness of this city, the military and religious buildings of gray and severe stone jarringly clash with the rest of the city   Trade Based Economy: The town of Bovilton thrives due to its strategic location as a trading centre. The exchange of goods between ships from different regions is a primary source of wealth for the duchy. Bovilton's busy warehouses, shops and markets are the heart of economic activity.   Marine Culture: The culture of Bovilton was heavily influenced by the sea, and now Sardarians do not look kindly on the ancient temples of Thalassa and Arva. Local fishermen are respected and valued for their contribution to the fresh food supply. Festivities and traditions are still linked to the sea, such as the procession of boats in the city's canals and rites to invoke the protection of sailors. Added to this is the Blessing of the Spears festival, a Sardar festival which aims to supplant the old customs.   Administrative and Political Center: Bovilton serves as the administrative and political center of the Duchy of Elemon. Here are the seats of government, such as the palace of the Grand Duke and the residences of the nobles. The Council of Lords meets regularly to make important decisions concerning the duchy. Towering over the city, the Cathedral of Sardar the Holy Knight is the headquarters of the splinter sect of Sardar the Liberator's faithful.   Welcoming to Other Races: As a port city and a vital trading center, Bovilton is nonetheless open and welcoming to other races. Travellers, merchants and ambassadors from different nations frequently frequent the city, creating a cosmopolitan and multicultural atmosphere.   Naval Fleet: Bovilton has a small but well equipped naval fleet, its job is to protect the Duchy of Elemon's waters and trade routes against external threats such as pirates or invaders. The main naval fleet has now moved to Mamerto to be closer to combat, but the shipyards that build them are still here in Bovilton and working at full capacity. The shipyards are a source of pride for the city, and its carpenters are considered to be among the best in the kingdom.
Large city
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