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Chi Genasi

The Chi physically resemble Humans and can easily mistaken for one, but instead they are a race of elemental being, composed of raw elemental matter (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Metal & Wood) given humanoid form in forgotten Phan rituals. For the precision they are members of six different races, descending from elemental beings. Due to this strong link the Chi can “mould” of “bend” the element of their clan (and be extremely vulnerable to the opponent powers).

Moulding allows the Chi warrior to control, animate and do battle using their element. As this control require several years of practice to be learned, the Chi have become a very quiet, learned and battle skilled people. Lone monasteries in remote location (hidden from imperial views) train very powerful martial arts adept, learned in the way of their own elements and in hand to hand combat.

Enslaved for centuries by the Phan, used for all the dangerous work in their elemental specialty, it is said that the quiet Chi were the core of the rebellion against the Phan, and that they waited centuries to find the good moment to overthrow their masters.

They are able to alchemically produce magic crystals associated with their elements that bring very steep prices. One type of these magical crystals, called Ice Stars by the Chi mystics, are the very essence of cold. They have many uses, from keeping food and beverages cold to the use as devastating weapons by the Chi warriors.

Based on the concept of the Ice Stars, the Chi produces other Elemental Essences, objects of great power that reach an astronomical price. The need to remain hidden from the empire limit the availability of these resources, and the stock of the production are needed for the defense force.

The Chi Sails are woven only with the best silk, and are imbued with elemental essence, allowing them to store more levitational energy.

The Chi Icestar Thrower is one of the most devastating weapons ever created. It hurls hundreds of Ice Stars against the enemy, freezing everything it hit and creating ice masses capable of plunging any windship to the ground below. Expecially vulnerable to this attack are the heavy armored imperial vessel.

Standard Racial Traits

  • Creature Type: All Chi are humanoid at their core but their elemental ancestry runs strong.
  • Size: "Medium". As medium creatures the Chi have no particular advantages or disadvantages due to size.
  • Base Speed: All Chi base land speed is 6 hex.
  • Level Adjustment: +1

Air People

  • Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution: Air Chi are remarkably swift and agile but are frailer than humans.
  • Blood of Air (Su): Air Chi are treated as thought they have the "Air" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.
  • Wind's Guardian (Su): A eternal wind seems to surround and protect air Chi, any ranged attack aimed at a air Chi has a (the air Chi's dexterity + half the air Chi's level)% chance to be deflected harmlessly.
  • Winds Dance (Su): Once per encounter as a free action a air Chi can call upon the wind to increases their speed, gaining a 2 hex bonus to their land speed for one round. They cannot use this ability while in a windless area.
  • Wind Dependency (Su): Air Chi are ill at rest when they are beyond the winds pull. While in a place without wind (such as underground or a well sealed fortress) air Chi are not only incapable of recovering hit points naturally but also take a -1 penalty to all rolls and the DCs of all if their abilities are reduced by 1.

Earth People

  • Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity: Earth Chi are extremely strong but a rather clumsy.
  • Blood of Earth (Su): Earth Chi are treated as thought they have the "Earth" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.
  • Earth's Endurance (Su): Earth Chi are have the endurance of stone, allowing them to shrug of blows with ease. Once per day a earth Chi can call upon the earth's strength, granting him DR 1/Adamantine per 3 Hit Dice. This ability only functions while the earth Chi is standing on solid soil, stone or metal.
  • Feet on the Ground (Su): Earth Chi are are magically linked to the earth under their feet and are even clumsier of it. Earth Chi cannot swim and take a -6 to all rolls as well as to the DCs of all their abilities when they aren't standing on solid soil, stone or metal.

Fire People

  • Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Intelligence, +2 Desterity, -2 Charisma: Fire Chi have bright minds, but are impatient and quick to anger.
  • Blood of Fire (Su): Fire Chi are treated as thought they have the "Fire" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.
  • Fire's Focus (Su): Fire Chi have remarkable focus, once per encounter a fire Chi can focus completely on a enemy as a free action, gaining either a bonus on attacks and damage equal to half his level on his next attack against that enemy or a +2 to the DCs of the next ability he uses during the encounter.
  • Frost Vulnerability (Su): Fire Chi have vulnerability to frost.

Water People

  • Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence: Water Chi are poor negotiators but are extremely wise.
  • Blood of Water (Su): Water Chi are treated as thought they have the "Water" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.
  • Water's Calm (Su): Water Chi can enter a meditative trance 3/times per day as a standard action, while in their trance water Chi get +2 to all rolls, on any round where a water Chi has taken damage while in his trance he must make a DC 5 + (1/2 the highest amount of damage dealt to him that round by a single attack) or exit his trance, the trance automatically ends after rounds equal to the water Chi's Wis modifier.
  • Water Dependency (Su): A water Chi who skin is dry is severely weakened, taking a -2 on all rolls and is unable to use Water' Calm. In order to undry his skin from becoming wet a water Chi must douse himself with one gallon of water. A water Chi's skin becomes dry when he fails a save against a spell that does fire or dessication damage, remains in a area with a temperature of above 90 degrees Fahrenheit for over a hour or takes damage from thirst.

Wood People

  • Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
  • Blood of Wood (Su): Wood Chi are treated as thought they have the "Wood" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.
  • Tree Merge (Su): Wood Chi can cast the pass without trace spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Metal People

  • Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity
  • Blood of Metal (Su): Metal Chi are treated as thought they have the "Metal" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.
  • Meld Metal (Su): This power is like the " shape water" cantrip, only with metal instead of water. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast a power like the "create or destroy water" spell as a 2nd-level spell with metal instead of water. Once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • Tough Skin (Su): This power is like the "Barkskin" spell. Once used this trait, you regain the ability to cast it when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Chi Air Bender
Chi Air Bender by Unknown

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