Craft Domain
Craft Domain Granted Power
- Conjuration Mastery: You cast conjuration (creation) spells at +1 caster level
- Skill Focus: You gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat for one Craft skill of your choice.
- You gain the Sword Burst e Mending cantrips.
Craft Domain Spells
- Animate Rope: Makes a rope move at your command.
- Wood Shape: Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.
- Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape.
- Minor Creation:
- Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
- Fantastic Machine: Creates a machine to perform a single simple task.
- Major Creation: As minor creation, plus stone and metal.
- ForcecageM: Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside.
- Fantastic Machine, Greater: Creates a machine to perform multiple tasks.
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