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Dularian Human

Gli umani di etnia Dularian sono stati duramente provati dalle guerre e dalle difficoltà che hanno dovuto affrontare nei territori strappati all'oscurità. Queste difficoltà hanno formato la loro cultura, che è caratterizzata da una forte determinazione e resilienza.


La religione ha una grande importanza nella vita dei Dularian, che sono principalmente seguaci del culto di Melethis. La loro fede li spinge a lottare contro l'Oscurità e a proteggere il loro popolo e la loro terra. Sono anche molto sospettosi degli estranei ai loro villaggi, poiché temono che possano essere spie dell'Oscurità o rappresentare una minaccia per la loro comunità. Tuttavia, una volta che gli estranei dimostrano la loro buona fede, gli Dularian possono diventare degli alleati fedeli e coraggiosi.

The Dularian people is a superstitious, warlike, industrious culture.

Humans of the Dularian ethnicity, in general, are more often short and stocky than tall or heavy, with golden-yellow hair and blond or brown hair and eyes. Those of the peasant caste tend to be sturdier than the frail nobles, forced to work for a living in fields and forges or other strenuous professions. On the other hand, the cultured and easy life of the nobles made them beautiful even without the help of expensive cosmetics and perfumes.


Dularian are rather superstitious and tend to distrust non-human creatures and those who would associate with them. They themselves are a people often at war with their own, so distrust comes easily to them with how hard times are.


Dularian come from all walks of life and can either be good or evil, lawful or chaotic, though the more honorable of them tend to lean towards law and tradition than chaos and whim.


Indeed, honor is a deeply ingrained value in Dularian human culture, and it is not limited to the nobility. In fact, honor is seen as a universal virtue that everyone should strive for, regardless of their social status. Losing honor is considered a serious matter, and it can have severe consequences for a person's standing in their community.

For nobles, losing honor can lead to social isolation and exclusion from their peers, which can have a significant impact on their ability to govern or make decisions in their role as leaders. For peasants, losing honor can lead to being shunned by their community and having difficulty finding work or support in times of need.

Therefore, maintaining one's honor is crucial for both nobles and peasants, and it is something that is taken very seriously in Dularian human society.


Dularian occupy the southern part of the main continent of Valenor. From lush forests to barren wastelands to high mountains, Dularian find a way to exist and survive using what they have at hand and trading for what they lack. The Darkness tend to encroach upon Dularian city and lands, destroying the land and before that poisoning all kind of life. The reaction of Dularian people is to take weapons against it.


Dularian believe in no particular patron deity, but hold their faith in all the Valenorian Pantheon, the main lands of Neamaran Theocracy are under control of the Neamaran Melethian Church, those under their control are more or less follower of Melethis, The Father, Lord of Magic.


Racial Traits

  • +1 Con, +1 Int, -1 Wis, +1 Cha (Noble Caste): Those born of the nobles caste are educated and attractive, but frail and foolish.
  • +2 Con, +1 Str, -1 Wis (Peasant Caste): Those born of the peasant caste are hearty and wise, but lack sophisication and charm.
  • Humanoid, Medium Size: As medium creatures, humans gain no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Dularian base land speed is 30 feet.
  • +2 Racial Bonus to all Diplomacy, Knowledge (History, Nobility and Royalty) checks (noble caste only).
  • +2 Racial Bonus to all Craft, Gather Information, Knowledge (Geography, Local) checks (peasants caste only).
  • +1 Additional Feat at the first level: Humans can master anything that they put their mind to.
  • Frontier Folk. a Dularian have proficiency in either the Animal Handling or Survival skill.
  • Hardy Stock. As a bonus action, a Dularian can spend one Hit Die to heal himself. Roll the die, add the Constitution modifier, and regain a number of hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1). Once they have used this feature, they can't use it again until after a short or long rest.
  • Divine Lore. Dularian have proficiency in either the Persuasion or Religion skill (your choice).

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Gertrudt Schroder
  • Walpurg Dietrich
  • Irmella Schulte
  • Ottilg Kuhn
  • Fela Sommer

Masculine names

  • Ruprecht Foehrkolb
  • Hans Schumacher
  • Ruprecht Schroder
  • Rudolff Graf
  • Vallentin Kraus

Family names

Dulandir family names often comes from the profession of the family, like Schumacher (Shoemaker), Schwarzmuller (Black Miller)


Major language groups and dialects

The Dulandir speak their own language Dularian, but a good 50% also speak Common .
Human Dularian Witch Hunter
Human Dularian Witch Hunter by Unknown

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