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Ki Spirit People

Like the Chi, created from the spiritual forces, the Ki Spirits are spirits given forms, captured by the Phan in the the spiritual realms. The Kami Ki are nature spirits given human forms, they hated the slavery this put on them, and a lot have fled from their Phan masters. When a Ki is given a physical form from their Phan master, his connection to the Spirit world is shut out; this terrible trauma can shock forever a Ki. Sometimes they prefer to die from consumption, the strongest one survive in slavery until they can regain their freedom.

Even if a Ki successfully flee from slavery, his connection to the spirit world is destroyed, so it cannot get back to his life before, the best it can do is to create a resemblance of its previous life… so a Dryad will look for a strong tree to inhabit, a Sylph will flee to a high mountain with strong winds and so on.

Even as Ki are disconnected from the spirit world, they still maintain a lot of their magical powers and can be pretty dangerous if forced to combat. Some of the more social Ki choose to live in cities blending with the locals, and there are voices that at least a couple of cities are completely inhabited by “strange creatures”. When possible Ki peoples are recruited to be part of a Windship crew’s, as their power over nature and creatures, is a boon to the ship survival.

There are voices of very strange ships resembling flying woods or tangles of vegetation that can give battles with natural forced unleashed and can change, grow and repair their “ship” to be nearly unstoppable.

Sadly, Ki peoples are extremely vulnerable to the corruption of Darkness. Their spiritual nature is corrupted slowly but inexorably after a tainting from Darkness. They will slowly change, not only becoming adept of Darkness, but their physical aspect will change to a dark and evil mockery of their former self. Honorable and noble Samurai Ki will slowly transform in devil-faced depraved Oni, gentle dryad will become terrible Branchwraith and so on. These Ki are called Oni Ki and very dangerous.


Ki city are said to be hidden deep in the “Outside” but to be paradisiacal places, where the nature is respected and all buildings are “growth” instead of “built”. Their defenses can grow from zero to full 10 foot thorn wall in minutes, and if a danger menaces them the full force of nature will be an unstoppable allied of the Ki defenders.


All of the Ki that can be meet on Valenor have more or less a humanoid appearance, but they are truly spirit given forms and as such they are immortal. They can be only killed, or they will let them die of consumption. They will not age as humans do, and many of them can even change their body forms.


Ki Traits

Creatures of a wild variety of spirits
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Age. Ki Spirits live an extremely long time, even longer than elves in some cases. It's not unheard of for one to live for 1000 years or more.
Alignment. Ki Spirits are generally neutral and chaotic due to their wild nature and living outside the usual civilization.
Size. Ki Spirits can vary in size, but they are never too small to spot usually. Character size is Medium.
Speed. Ki Spirits base walking speed is 30 feet. They get additional modes of movement from your subraces.
Darkvision. Ki Spirits can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hybrid Nature. Ki Spirits creature type is both monstrosity and humanoid.
Ki Powers. Ki Spirits can access to the monk Ki Skills (at +2 Ki points per level).
Subrace. Choose from the following list:

Oni Blood

The Oni Blood are mutated humans with oni blood.

  • Ability Score Increase. CON +2, STR +1, CHA -1.
  • Natural Armor. You have naturally tough skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 12 + your Constitution modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
  • Monster Face: +2 to Intimidate
  • Level Adjustment: +1


Fox-man & Woman, Kitsune, trickster of the forest; all of these are names for the same creature. These anthropomorphic foxes have built their reputations as quick witted and guile.

  • Ability Score Increase.+4 to Charisma and Intelligence -2 strength.
  • +2 to Bluff and Diplomacy
  • Bluff and diplomacy are always considered class skills for the Kitsune.
  • Low light vision
  • 1/day per 3 levels (minimum one) Disguise Self with a caster level equal to the character level. The save is based on Charisma. This spell cannot completely hide your tail(s) so one must be cautious of this giveaway. Anyone familiar with Kitsune magic gains a +5 toward penetrating their disguise.
  • Kitsune Magic: once per day Kitsune with 11 or more charisma may cast one of the following: Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, and mage hand. the DC for these spells is 11+ the spells level + the Kitsune's charisma modifierr.
  • +2 on saves to resist enchantment
  • any illusion spells cast by the Kitsune have their DCs increased by 1.
  • Level Adjustment: +2


These wolf-like yokai are often taken to be deities since they drive out mischievous creatures like monkeys.

  • Ability Score Increase[/a]. STR +1, CON +1, DEX +1, WIS -1.
  • Turn Human. Ookami are unique yokai often able to take the form of a human. As an action, you can polymorph into any human of your size that you have seen, or back into your true form. However, your equipment does not change with you. If you die, you revert to your natural appearance.
  • Smell Hunter. You have advantage in Wisdom (Perception) checks using your sense of smell.
  • Chase. You can't afford to let prey go easy. When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.


Tanuki are raccoons that live in clans in the forest and elect a leader called the "Great Tanuki" to oversee the clan's land and organize its members. While the most jovial of the hengeyokai, they are also the most vicious. Elections for the overseer position often break down into faction conflict between rival families, which usually end with one family is completely eliminated. However, when not at war, tanuki enjoy drinking, playing pranks on humans and, in general, having a good time.

  • Ability Score Increase. CHA +1, WIS+1, COS +1, STR -1.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Clan's Warrior. Tanuki clans train to fight like their human neighbors. You have proficiency with the pike and shortbow.
  • Natural Instinct. When in forest terrain, you have advantage in Wisdom (Survival) and Intelligence (Nature) checks.


Suzume have the least amount of contact with humans, preferring to keep to themselves in their mountain homes. They are sparrows and are known to only fly, only walking in their human forms.

  • Ability Score Increase. WIS +1, DEX +1.
  • Speed. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed you must not be wearing armor.
  • Birdsong. You can accurately recall any tunes you've heard within the last three months.


Suppon are turtle creatures that commonly are rather peaceful. However, they rally against humans when it comes to their own kind of being eaten.

  • Ability Score Increase. COS +1, WIS +1, INT +1, DEX -1.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 5 Hx. You have a swimming speed of 5 Hx.
  • Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 12 Hx of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Amphibious. You can breathe in both air and water.


Mujina are territorial loners that are more likely to attack another of their race on sight for trespassing than engage in pleasantries. When engaging in pranks on humans, a mujina takes delight in scaring at best and killing the human at worst.

  • Ability Score Increase. STR +2, COS +2, INT -1, WIS -1.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 6 Hx.
  • Honey Badger. You don't care. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this trait again until you finish a long rest.
  • Claws. In animal form, your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Ki Oni Blood Spearman
Ki Oni Blood Spearman by Alberto Zanini

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