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Minoan Minotaur

Minoan have the appearance of a 210-270cm tall humanoid with a bull's horn, a bovine tail, and broad, stubby hands and feet. Their body is covered with coarse black, brown, red, or grey hair. Their horns curved downward and outward.

The Minoans are a reserved and shy race, which never eagerly interacts with other races. Their civilization has developed into large labyrinthine cities or underground corridors, modeled with intricate inlays and hieroglyphs that describe the long and glorious history of these bulky humanoids.


Minotaur Traits

Minotaur have the horn of a bull, the body of a man, and are extremely hairy.

  • Ability Score Increase. STR +3,CON +2, CHA -1, WIS -1, INT -1.
  • Age. Most Minoan reach puberty by 10 and are fully mature by 15. Minoan live 150 or more years depending on how hard a life they have been subjected to.
  • Alignment. These bovine humanoids are usually lawful evil, but any Minoan can be any alignment. However, any alignment deviating from the norm will earn the upstart a very harsh life or a banishment from their city.
  • Size. Minoan size is Large.
  • Speed. Minoan have a base walking speed of 8 Hx.
  • Darkvision. A Minoan can see in dim light within 6 Hx of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Gore. Minoan can use an action to make a Gore attack with the horns. It is a melee weapon attack that deals 1D6+STR piercing damage.
  • Charge. If the Minoan moves at least 2 Hx straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 2D6 piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw versus a DC of 8 + STR modifier + the Minoan level/2 bonus or be pushed up to 2 Hex away or (if the target fail the ST by more than 5 points) knocked prone.
  • Labyrinth born. An Minoan who merely passes within 1 Hx of a secret or concealed door or a trap, is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it. Additionally, he always know which way is north, and which direction leads to the quickest exit from a dungeon or cave system. They gain +2 to Knowledge (Dungeon).
  • Level Adjustment. +1
Minoan Warlock
Minoan Warlock by Unknown

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