The Maschere Organization in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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The Maschere

The Maschere is the most feared Assassin guild of Valenor.

They never show their face to anyone when they are "on a job" or in the guild hideout, so none know who they are. The only exception is when a new Lord join the other Masked Lords for the first time. He must show his face so the older lords have an advantage against him. This way the oldest Masked Lords is the ruler of the group, knowing who all the other ones are.

It is said that the mask they wear grow rich and more complex along as the owner grew strong.


The Leaders are known only as "The Masked Lords". The rank within the organizations are:
  • "Stradino": Lowest level, can perform only the simplest mission.
  • "Lametta": After 10 kills the Stradino is raised to the Lametta rank ( The Maschere, Lametta ).
  • "Punitore": a Punitore control a guild hideout and can take missions all over the city.
  • "Mastro Assassino": Control more than one hideout, can take mission in all his cities.
  • "Letale": Under direct control of the Masked Lords, a Letale is used for the most dangerous mission.
When a Masked Lord die, the other Lords elevate a new member to Lord status, it should be the greatest Letale alive, but as the lord is masked none can be sure of this (apart from the lords).
The Maschere, Lametta
The Maschere, Lametta
Connected Archetype
Guild, Assassins
Alternative Names
The Masked Assassins

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