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Tritons Sea People

Tritons are a race similar to small, young, humans that live under the water of Valenor. Created as entertainment by the Phan, they weight 60 Kg for a medium of 1.60 cm, slender and beautiful, the Tritons are a race full of joy, songs and love. Created as a slave race for the entertainment of rich Phan patron, they adapted well at being imprisoned in water villas, aquariums and other limited areas; until they discovered the freedom of life in the never-ending oceans of Valenor.

When they left their imprisonment, discovering the freedom of the open seas, they discovered that a Goddess, Thalassa, Queen of the Seas and Giver of Water take at heart their race and protect them from most of the dangers of the seas. Quickly they began to build wonderful city molding coral to their needs or occupy ancient submerged ruins.

The Tritons can breathe indefinitely in water and with limitations outside of it, this way they can trade products of the sea and of their magic with other races in exchange for what they cannot craft underwater. The Tritons are a very curious, even as a bit naïve, people, and they love to explore new places, even on the ground. They need to keep their skin wet and their gills washed once a day, and with a good water provisioning even a long permanence on land is possible.

The Tritons, using their ability to breathe underwater, can retrieve Abyssal Pearls; rare and of enormous value, these are one of the more powerful magic components to be found on Valenor. The rare Coral, in its various colors, red, black, blue and purple is one of the main goods traded by the race of the Tritons. Fireborn Coral is a special type of coral, extracted from the Tritons, who has the ability to burn anywhere, even underwater. Used as a weapon and launched aboard enemy ships there is no way to extinguish it.

The Tempest is a weapon invented by the Tritons able to launch dozens of arrows or rockets simultaneously, unleashing a storm of fire and shrapnel on the opponent.

The Mermaids are the Tritons priestesses. Their powerful magic song can do marvelous magic effects. Protection Pearls are a magical object created by the Mermaid priestesses of the Tritons, using the Pearl a Triton become invulnerable to a certain amount of damage. It is said that giant Abyssal Pearl can protect even a Windship.

Viridyan Sails are made with a particular algae cultivated by the Tritons, who know how to release its inner magical properties, becoming more robust than a plate of iron and capable of storing levitational energy.

Standard Racial Traits

  • +1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity, +1 Charisma, –1 Intelligence.
  • Humanoid (Aquatic): A Triton has the aquatic subtype.
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a Triton has no special bonuses or penalties due to her size.
  • Triton base land speed is 6 Hex.
  • A Triton has a swim speed of 8 Hex.
  • Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
  • Gills: Tritons can survive out of the water for 1 hour per point of Constitution (after that, refer to the suffocation rules).
  • Superior Low-Light Vision: Tritons can see four times as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of low illumination.
  • Weapon Proficiency: Tritons receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, Trident, crossbow (including heavy crossbow), and net as bonus feats. Any weapon with the Triton attribute is also treated as being proficent with.
  • +2 racial bonus on Perception an, Search checks when in the water.
Triton Witch of the Mists
Triton Witch of the Mists by Unknown
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