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Valerian Human

  History and Origins: The Valerian are a nomadic human people who descends from the ancient reign of Valeria, now lost in the fog of the time. The destruction of the kingdom took place in prehistoric times, and the territory where existed the old Kingdom of Valeria remain a mystery. Their story is remembered through Valeria's Scroll, a sacred and mysterious text that tells of the ancient greatness of the Kingdom of Valeria, its cities, its inhabitants, its wealth and glory. In the Scroll there is also the story of Tupring's prophecy, telling of the coming of an Choosen One (the Elected) that will lead the Valerian to rediscover their lost land. However, there are not only different interpretations of the Scroll, but many Valerians have some different versions of the text, causing occasional tensions between the various caravans.   The Birth of the People: Legends say that the survivors found themselves in what is still called the Valley of Sorrow (in memory of the pain that survivors lived). For years they remained in the valley until the priestess Tupring had a vision; According to the prophecy, one day the Elected would be born, the one who would restore their lands and their glory to the Valerians. In the Valley of Sorrow they built their new wagons and the caravan formed, each group was a caravan and they left the valley in search of the Elected.   Nomadic Life: Nomadic life is at the center of Valerian culture. The caravans (called Skann) are their main social unit, and constantly move in search of new places and opportunities. The survival of the Valerians is based on hunting, collecting, artisan crafts (the Valerian fabrics are highly sought after and of the highest quality) and often theft. They usually present themselves as companies of wandering artists and entertainers, to be tolerated near cities and villages. Many caravans include artists, musicians, prostitutes, dancers and acrobats, who perform to earn a living and entertain the communities they visit. Often some goods "disappear" from the village or some bag changes from hand. Life for them is very hard in the outdoor, where they can become prey to the pitfalls from outdoor life but their terrestrial caravans are much more organized and better prepared to resist in the outdoor, able to form modular fortresses, when yes they stop to camp.   The Elected: The figure of the Elected is a central part of the Valerian culture. According to Valeria's Scroll, the Elected will be the one who will bring the Valerian people to their lost land and the past greatness. This mythical figure is a subject of hope and speculation between the Valerian, and often the caravans move on the basis of "visions" or the interpretations of the signs considered significant by the K'Esi, women with the gift of precognition. The caravans seek clues, places and secrets related to the Elected during their travels.   The K'Esi: the K'Esi are the most respected and influential figures within the Valerian caravans. Each caravan has its own K'Esi, a woman with the gift of precognition. The K'Esi are also often priestly of divine cults such as Leida, the goddess of the winds, or Noctris, the jester, but there are not few Valeriani who see their divinity in the Elected. The main role of K'Esi is to interpret the Valeria's Scroll, driving the caravan towards new places and decide when it's time to leave. His authority is unwavering in the field of spiritual and religious decisions.   The Tal-Shanar: The Tal-Shanar is the one who holds the daily life of the groups, administers justice, organizes the work and commands the defense against threats. These are all important actions for the life of a group that takes place mainly in the outdoor where to survive they dedicate themselves to hunting and looking for fruits, herbs and roots, as well as making their animals graze.   The Kir'shara: Over the centuries, the order of the Kir'shara has also formed, an order of those who are devoted to the search and protection of the Elected. Unfortunately, after centuries and centuries of vain research within the order, the opinion that the Elected is a legend and that rather the Kir'shara will need to become an army that will have to conquer a new land for the Valerian people. The current leader V'Las and the other pre-eminent are of this opinion and this has caused a split of the group, removing the most strenuous defenders of the ancient mandate from the Kir'shara.   Mixed society: Valerian society is partly matriarchal and in part patriarchal. Women manage wealth, family possessions and take political decisions within the Skann, while men exercise command within families. When two young people get married, the bride joins her husband's caravan, bringing with her a dowry, while her husband's family builds or buys a carriage, ship or flying ship that will become the residence of the new family. Numerous families can share ships or large wagons.   Meetings Between Caravans: When two Valerian caravans meet along the way, an improvised party often takes place. These holidays can last days and are an opportunity to make agreements, exchange goods and organize weddings. On some occasions, caravans can also merge or separate according to the opportunities and conveniences of the moment. The Grand Ghira is a meeting that is scheduled to be held every 100 years, where all Valerians meet in the Valley of Sorrow to sing, dance and show their ability to the other Skann. The K'Esi meet to share the latest discovery on the Elected or some new discoveries on the Scroll of Valeria.   The Valerian are an enigmatic people, with profound spiritual and cultural traditions that guide them on their nomadic travels in search of the chosen and their lost land. Their complex history and the various rolls of Valeria often create tensions between the different caravans, but also a sense of unity and hope in their mission.  

Valerian Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Valerian Dexterity, Charisma and Wisdom score increases by 1, Strenght -1.
  • On the Move: Their base walking speed increases to 7 Hex, and they can take the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action each turn.
  • Wanderer: A Valerian has a +2 racial bonus in the Handle Animal or Acrobatics skill, as well as the ability to drive vehicles (land or aquatic).
  • Well Traveled: A Valerian is accustomed to extreme cold and heat, and you have advantage on skill checks made to identify wilderness dangers (such as quicksand or thin ice).
  • A Friend of a Friend: A Valerian always knows a friend of a friend who is doing shady business. Sometimes this can be useful. For a Valerian, the skill Knowledge: Criminal Underworld is always a class skill.
  • Favored Class: Thief
  • Vital Statistics

    Table: Random Starting Ages
    Adulthood Barbarian, Rogue & Sorcerer Bard, Fighter, Paladin, & Ranger Cleric, Druid, Monk & Wizard
    20 years +1d4 +3d6 +4d6
    Table: Rodhian Aging Effects
    Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
    50 years 75 years 100 years +5d20years
    1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
    2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
    3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
    Table: Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
    Male 160cm +4d10 75 Kg + (4d6) kg.
    Female 150cm +2d10cm 70 kg + (3d8) kg.
    Valerian Con Man
    Valerian Con Man by Unknown
    Related Organizations
    Languages spoken

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