Weapons in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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Valenor's Armory

Armour and Weapons for the World of Valenor

Weapons Statistics

  Class: The type of weapon in question also indicates which "Training" feat is required to use this weapon.   Race Limit: This field indicates the race that uses these weapons, characters belonging to this race can choose this weapon without restrictions (apart from the feat for the weapon class).
Anyone who does not belong to the indicated race can use this weapon by taking the relative feat: "Use Xxx Weapons" where Xxx indicates the chosen race. Weapons labeled "All Races" can be chosen by anyone. Weapons labeled "All Classes" require no special skills or training to use.   Damage: This is the damage inflicted by the weapon, in case of firearms or Bow Weapons it's the damage inflicted by the standard projectile.   Critical: It is the value of the "natural" hit die roll (that is, before adding all the modifiers) and the value by which the damage inflicted is multiplied in case of critical damage (only the basic damage of the weapon are multiplied not any bonuses or additional damage).   Required STR: It is the minimum STRength ability score necessary to use this weapon, in some cases a minimum DEXterity is indicated if the weapon is difficult to handle.   Weight: This field indicates the weight of the weapon in a Medium size version. Some weapons have a special weight (see description for more information).   Rarity: This value indicates the availability of the weapon in shops, C indicates common weapons, available even in villages, U indicates uncommon weapons available in cities. R indicates rare weapons, available only in large cities and specialized shops. VR (Very Rare) and LG (Legendary) indicate weapons that are not normally available for sale (but only on indications from the DM).   Cost: This is the cost of the weapon in Shillings (silver coins) (Sh). The cost includes miscellaneous items that go with the weapon, such as a sword scabbard or arrow quiver.
The cost of a weapon remains the same for Small and Medium size versions. A Large size weapon has double the price.   Crafting: Indicates what crafting skill is required to create the weapon in question.   Crafting DC: Indicates the basic difficulty to create the weapon in question, in iron and without any modification from the basic design.   Recipe: Indicates the material needed to create the weapon. Iron ingots and other common (C) materials are required to craft the base weapon.  

Weapon Properties

This section describes every property that applies to weapons. When a weapon is used to attack in a way that differs from its intended use (such as striking an enemy with the butt of a gun), the weapon has no properties.


This type of weapon attacks an area, not a specific point. The value in brackets (e.g. 1-2-3) describes how the area hit by the weapon is composed:

  • AoE(1) hits 1 square with full effect and all adjacent squares with half effect.
  • AoE(2) hits 1 square with full effect and all adjacent squares with full effect, all still adjacent squares with half effect.
  • AoE(1-2-3) hits a conical area, 1 square in the front row, 2 squares in the second row, and 3 squares in the third row, all with full effect.
  • AoE(1-3-5) hits a large area in front of the attacker, 1 square in the front row, 3 squares in the second row, and 5 squares in the third row, all with full effect.


These weapons can be used to make a ranged attack, provided you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each time you attack, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack you make with this weapon (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of a battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking 1 minute to search the battlefield.


This weapon type is usable by Rogues for a Surprise Attack. Some melee, thrown, and ranged weapons (such as the longbow) fall into this category only if used in the first round of combat and against an opponent who hasn't seen the attacker.
Weapons without this Property cannot be used for Surprise Attacks.


These flexible weapons wrap around shields and other personal defenses. When you attack with a bypass weapon, you ignore the AC bonus granted by shields and features that parry or deflect attacks.


These extremely sharp weapons deal damage . When you attack with a weapon that causes bleed, the target takes 1 additional point of damage each round, until healed (even a bandage is sufficient). This damage stacks, so if hit a second time the bleed damage increases to 2 damage per round, etc.


These weapons are well-suited to combat on the move. If you damage a creature with a cavalry weapon after moving at least 20 feet straight toward a target while mounted, you deal an extra 1d6 damage.


This type of weapon is capable of carrying out attacks to disarm the opponent, as described in the feat of the same name.
Weapons without this property cannot be used for disarming attacks.


These weapons feature chains, hooks, and other entangling components. When you hit with an ensnaring weapon, you can use your bonus action to attempt to shove the target prone, pull or shove it into a space within 5 feet of you, or disarm it (DMG page 271). If your roll requires you to use your Strength (Athletics) bonus, you can add your weapon's attack bonus instead.

When you attempt to disarm a creature using a weapon with the ensnaring property, you do not have disadvantage on the roll if the target is larger than you.


These precise weapons lend themselves to dextrous combat. When you attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.


These weapons utilize volatile powder as a propellant to fire projectiles or explode. They cannot be used underwater, and ammunition from these weapons cannot be reused. When you attack, the weapon flashes, expels smoke, and creates a bang that can be heard up to 300 feet away. You can reload a gunpowder weapon in place of a single weapon attack on your turn, or with the Use An Object action. Reloading consumes both a charge of powder and a piece of ammunition.

Carrying too much powder is risky. When some items with this property take fire or lightning damage, they explode. The saving throw and damage are listed in their descriptions. When a weapon with the gunpowder property takes fire or lightning damage when loaded, it discharges, and must be reloaded before being fired again.


These weapons are unwieldier than most. Unless a creature has a Strength score of 13 or higher, it has disadvantage on attacks made with heavy weapons. A Small or smaller creature always suffers this disadvantage. A creature with a Strength score lower than 13 cannot use a shield with the heavy property to increase its AC, and has disadvantage on attack rolls made to bash with it.

Before you make an attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can forego adding your proficiency bonus to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add your proficiency bonus to the damage roll. This ability can be used in conjunction with the Great Weapon Master feat.


These weapons are small and easy to handle, making them ideal for use in an off-hand or fighting with two weapons. See the rules for two-weapon fighting.


These weapons take extra time to load with ammunition and fire. As a result, you can make only one attack with them when you attack as an action, bonus action, or reaction, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.


These weapons are designed to incapacitate, or are otherwise capable of delivering a hit that does not kill the target. When you choose to knock a creature out instead of killing it, nonlethal weapons deal their normal damage. See Part IV for rules regarding knocking a creature out.



With this weapon you can "fight defensively", using a single attack action (losing further full attack actions and forfeiting movement, including movement from Quick Attack) and gaining a +2 dodge bonus to Class Armor. Those with the Cautious Attack feat are not subject to these limitations.

If you do so while wielding two parrying weapons, you add your entire proficiency bonus instead.

Prone Fighting

When you are prone and make a weapon attack with this weapon, you do not suffer disadvantage for being prone.


These weapons attack at a distance, making ranged attacks instead of melee. Their range is listed in parentheses after the ammunition or Ranged property, and lists three numbers.
The first is the weapon's short range in Hex, the second indicates the weapon's normal range, the third indicates the weapon's long range. When attacking at short range you gain a +1 to hit. Attacking a target beyond normal range, you have -2 on the attack roll. You can't attack a target beyond the weapon's long range.  


These weapons' extended length adds 1 Hex to your reach when you attack with them, as well as when determining your reach for opportunity attacks. Reach weapons cannot be used for two-weapon fighting, regardless of your strength or feats.


These precision weapons reward targeted attacks and pierce enemy defenses. When a piercing weapon's damage roll achieves the maximum die result, the attacker may reroll the die and add the new result to the previous one. He can keep re-rolling and adding until he gets the maximum score on the die.


These wicked weapons cut gaping wounds into the flesh, causing profuse damage. When an attack roll with a slicing weapon exceeds the target's AC by 5 or more (or lands a critical hit), the target takes additional necrotic damage equal to your combat statistic bonus. Constructs, elementals, most undead, and other targets that do not bleed may be immune to this damage at the discretion of your DM.


Special weapons have entirely unique attributes, detailed after the weapon charts.


These hard-hitting weapons daze on impact. When an attack roll with a staggering weapon exceeds the target's AC by 5 or more (or lands a critical hit), it has disadvantage on the next ability check it makes before the start of its next turn.


These weapons crush, break, or penetrate armor. When you attack an object, or a target wearing any medium or heavy armor (other than hide) with a sundering weapon, the targeted armor lose 1 point of AC, if the Armor reaches 0 AC it becomes unusable and must be discarded. Armor that is only damaged can be repaired by an Armorer. You also gain this bonus against creatures with thick shells, metallic hides, and other creatures at the discretion of your DM. Sundering weapons also ignore damage reduction granted by armor.


These weapons strike in broad swings. When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with a sweeping weapon, you can target another creature within 5 feet of the first that you can reach and, if the original attack roll would hit it, apply any remaining damage to it. If that creature is likewise reduced to 0 hit points, repeat this process, carrying over the remaining damage until there are no valid targets, or until the damage carried over fails to kill an enemy.


These weapons can be thrown out of your hand to make a ranged attack. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for attack and damage rolls that you would use for a melee attack with it. The normal and long ranges of a weapon with the thrown property increase by a number of feet equal to 5 times your Strength modifier, unless your Strength modifier is negative.


This weapon can also be used as a tool, for digging, as a hatchet, or for skinning.


These cumbersome weapons must be wielded in two hands to make attacks. If one of your hands is occupied by performing somatic components, grappling, etc, you cannot attack with this weapon until you return your hand to the weapon. This property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, not when you simply hold it.


These weapons can deal multiple damage types, and inflict different effects as a result. When you attack with a variable weapon, it gains the corresponding property for that attack: Bludgeoning attacks gain the staggering property, piercing attacks gain skewering, and slashing attacks gain slicing.


These weapons can be wielded in one or both hands. When you wield a versatile weapon in two hands, it gains an additional property and uses different damage dice, both listed in parentheses behind the versatile property on the weapons table. See the rules for versatile fighting.


These weapons can be devastating when prepared for the right moment. In place of a weapon attack, you can wind up your weapon or brace it against the ground, depending on the weapon's design. The next time you hit with the wound-up weapon before the start of your next turn, you can roll two additional damage dice. After the attack, the weapon is no longer wound-up. A wound-up melee weapon can be used to make an opportunity attack with advantage when a hostile creature that you can see enters your reach.


These weapons prevent targets from approaching and can catch weapons. You can use a bonus action to attempt to disarm a creature within reach using a winged weapon. After you damage a creature you could grapple with a winged weapon, the target cannot move straight toward you and the area within your reach is difficult terrain for it until it leaves your reach or you attack with the weapon again. While holding a creature in this way, you can use a bonus action to attempt to shove it. The hold ends if you shove the target outside the weapon's reach. If one of the above rolls uses your Strength (Athletics) bonus, you can add the weapon's attack bonus instead.

  [img style='width:200px; margin-left:70px;' src='https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9d/0d/d3/9d0dd36590d9d53c7a21313abcafb4a2.jpg' class='image-location-top-right-bottom-left']     [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Abyssal Trident[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/035d0db72dfa5535ddf36f1a9d4ffffd/3821b7c225418ca5-df/s1280x1920/1458ca9605951785951969aa9278c55c1ff568be.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Triton [td class=faketh]Damage 2D4 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 15 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Thrown (2/4/6Hx), Versatile (1d10), Winged [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]15 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]5 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

This weapon, built by the Tritons, can be used without penalty on land, water, and air, or ranged (2/4/6 Hex). If used with a ready action to set a trident against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit against the charging creature.

  [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Aj'Snaga Falchion[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/f33abcc425f3115703008a847b841965/87a61b46c6b0b6dd-f2/s1280x1920/47e46ef6103f5206e220c3401185e53a6e67acab.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Aj'Snaga [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 75 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Reach, Sweeping, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

An Aj'Snaga Falchion is one of the traditional weapons of the serpent people, enabling them to extend their reach even further to strike an opponent. An Aj'Snaga Falchion can strike opponents 2 Hex away (2 to 3 Hex), but cannot be used against an enemy in an adjacent (1 Hex) square. This is not a problem for the Aj'Snaga as at that distance they can use the additional tail attack.

      \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']     [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Amazon Warglaive[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/9033d8acac92d103ec5b58c73811b4c8/68ce3285b0153b0d-ac/s1280x1920/112aace04d8b242f2faf0765104626f74498639c.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Amazon [td class=faketh]Damage 1D12 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x4 [td class=faketh]Required STR 12 [td class=faketh]Weight 8 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 60 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Slicing, Sweeping, Two-Handed, Heavy [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]12 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

An Amazon Warglaive is a double weapon with a very sharp edge. It can be used to fight as if it were two-weapon combat, and it incurs all the normal attack penalties associated with two-weapon combat (as if using a hand weapon and a light weapon). Used by Amazons as a ritual weapon in their duels, all Amazons learn to use the Warglaive from an early age, and sometimes (for fun) it is taught to males as well. Losing a fight against an opponent is considered a dishonor among the Amazons, while losing a duel with the Warglaive does not result in a loss of honor.

    [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Arborean Archmage Bow-Staff[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/ebf321209a97b3a9c4550a28783582ec/049f96bbed284b6f-97/s1280x1920/ab64e156c22e27aa0a09edcd29b5f4e0246a376e.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Arborean Elves [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 10 [td class=faketh]Weight 6 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 850 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged(10/20/30Hx), Two-Handed, Non-lethal, Special, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]6 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

The elves of Arborea noticed that when the enemy got too close to their archers, they suffered heavy casualties. To overcome this problem, their bows act as both Staff and Bow. Some elves who are both fighters and wizards/priests have further improved these weapons. This is the wizard's version, which allows a warrior to be armed with a staff, and a bow that shoots magical arrows. This bow requires no ammo, as it makes its own arrows. Also the special effect of this bow is that it can also cast a "Mass Bolt" spell 2 times, before needing to be recharged from a long rest.

      \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']     [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Arquebus[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Firearms [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d1aed79b540a7bd5f605d44a766842ea/e587e03e12882fe5-2d/s1280x1920/5792153bd6d084edf5b2ad5b09023926b25c97e6.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 2D6+2 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 12 [td class=faketh]Weight 10 [td class=faketh]Rarity VR [td class=faketh]Cost 500 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged(8/16/24Hx), Gunpowder, Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed, Sundering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Gunsmith [td colspan=1]12 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]10 Metal Ingot + 5 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

The arquebus is the long-range firearm most characters are likely to encounter, as it strikes a good balance between size and power. An arquebus usually has a complete buttplate, but many have only a reduced (less accurate but also less cumbersome) buttplate (-1 to hit, 2 points less encumbrance). Ship crews often use arquebuses as their ranged weapon of choice.

  [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Assassin Dagger[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/318c550c2dfaea713df6c5184737d738/677c9e81aaa8899b-24/s1280x1920/0919bb896f8eebd786ff518c93ea90c298833f5b.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4+1 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 18x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 40 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Parry, Light, Finesse, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]7 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]2 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    An Assassin Dagger is a dagger with an H-shaped handle, two parallel metal bars holding a cross handle at an angle perpendicular to the length of the triangular blade. These blades are fixed with an edge on both sides. An Assassin Dagger is held in a clenched fist, facing away from the attacker's knuckles, and typically used to stab or cut an opponent. Used for stabbing, it directly transmits the force from the fist behind the blade, making it capable of deep and fatal wounds.

          \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']     [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Battle Fan[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/adfa5b20738d6830973b8f14ecab0f19/6df1c74614116247-e3/s1280x1920/17fb68b9e60914e72d3d58794a3c8954e38c21ff.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Shen [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Piercing/Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 70 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Bleeding, Light, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]13 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]1 Metal Ingot + 2 Cloth Patch  

    Also known as gunbai uchiwa, war fans are a rare, but not unheard of weapon. They are commonly underrated, but have a razor sharp edge and can be whipped at high speed using their chain.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Dulandir Bec de Corbin[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/01485a2beb0dfa3dce9f7f9a7c880ae5/370bc4c1a6870851-e2/s1280x1920/0af9873db58d3b43d867e4a826a5a6adf995373b.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Dulandir [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Bludgeoning/Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 7 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 130 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Reach, Sundering, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]7 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    French for crow's beak, this weapon is essentially a war pick, war hammer and spear all rolled into one, this weapon's impressive leverage allows it to tear through or break through armor with ease. A bec de corbin can count as a spear or hammer, but it must be specified to the DM which attack (piercing or bludgeoning) the player wishes to make before rolling.

          \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']     [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Blowpipe[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/54988a9b1dfcce439396522f0261ae3e/9d9a20981fc3bb78-7b/s1280x1920/5c98d66426307fa09d36cb30c400ad768eb6d102.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Wild Tribes Human [td class=faketh]Damage 1d2 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 2 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Light, Finesse, Thrown (4/8/12Hx), Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]5 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]1 Metal Ingot + 2 Wood Staff  

    The blowgun is a small wooden or paper tube, loaded with darts. The Tinkerer version is attached to an air canister, and adds 4 Hex to range increment and +2 to damage.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Bonecrusher Blade[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/159a85e4448f1af253f963942708e4ed/58930025313d0bd5-40/s1280x1920/b130582def19b692b43a42c3532ecd9c6f24e130.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Minoan [td class=faketh]Damage 3D6 Bludgeoning/Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 15 [td class=faketh]Weight 14 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 350 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Reach, Sundering, Two-Handed, [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]13 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]14 Metal Ingot + 7 Leather Patch  

    A bladeless, thick mass of iron used for smashing. The ancient minotaur smiths of Stonefang are said to have created it to face dragons. Because of its immense weight, blacksmiths joke that it can scarcely be called a sword. Large weapon, can be used only by Large size characters.

          \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']     [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Catcher Pole[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/dfa5d0029e4f5dd5e54f676166261b52/d4ce882734f52f1c-66/s1280x1920/8c15283c03f2f2dcfd8efdaf4b0668f741db2745.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 15 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Non-lethal, Ensnaring, Versatile (2d4) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]5 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    Also called Sasumata, it can hit opponents 2 Hex away (2 Hex box), but you can't use it against an adjacent enemy (1 Hex box). The wielder striking a creature of the same size or one level smaller with a Catcher Pole can immediately start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. In addition to the normal options available to a fighter, the wielder of the Sasumata can attempt to pull her target to the ground (the equivalent of a trip attack, though no attack roll is required). The Catcher Pole is a blunt crescent-shaped blade atop a long pole designed to catch opponents with minimal damage.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Chakram[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Unarmed Combat [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/b727392839a7fe6c8df2051e6879abeb/85f71523a09d64ba-d0/s1280x1920/240e88b5308d83b10849c1cfcf63a34e36b8b09b.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Cheara [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 30 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Parry, Thrown (3/6/9Hx), Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]16 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]2 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    This unusual weapon looks like a brass hoop with sharpened edges. Its razor-thin edge is ideal for dismembering opponents.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Chi Branched Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/aa9d8445250d797fe4df113aeebe8f79/e8175dd86677f4f5-59/s500x750/859cd037eedffc8dfbbb3d6bf47cabda8bc8fe18.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Chi [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Slashing/Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 8 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 40 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Parry, Versatile (2D6) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]17 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch  

    This unusual sword has a straight 60cm long blade with six protruding L-shaped shorter blades, three on each side in a staggered pattern. The shorter blades can be used to grip opponents' clothing or armor, or they can target weapons to disarm them. To grab armor or clothing, the attacker attempts to trip. On a success, the victim does not fall prone, but instead becomes entangled and stumbles forward, leaving it flat-footed for the rest of the round.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Clan Icon Hammer[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/848e0a25db80e9cbe0c7c35b6f4bffa9/c7fc52637ab7bbac-fe/s1280x1920/c7c40a1ec05040c35265565bcc02abd99c007e99.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Boz Cirtan [td class=faketh]Damage 2D6 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 15 [td class=faketh]Weight 20 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 150 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Staggering, Sundering, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]8 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]20 Metal Ingot + 10 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    These heavy-headed warhammers are often carved or cast with monstrous faces or punched with tiny holes to create an ominous whistle as they are swung through the air. the Box Cirtan consider them the very symbol of the military unit to which they belong and carrying one into combat is a great honor. If an opponent takes possession of one of these hammers, it becomes the target of a feud and each Boz Cirtan will try to recover the weapon.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Claws Gauntlet[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Unarmed Combat [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/b04345c11e9dae2a44944b5d66328a6e/611ba630f9a7fda3-42/s1280x1920/b6608483ccb63babf21d33cf2fa1c60871c06671.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 15 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Light, Special, Parry, Disarming, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]1 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    The Claw Gauntlet was originally created for a master thief who wanted to be able to climb and slide down walls, attack and block, with one weapon. In addition to its use as a secondary weapon, it provides a +2 shield bonus to AC. Because of its detailed articulation, it has no maximum Dexterity bonus and imposes no armor check penalty. The gauntlet also adds a +4 bonus when climbing, and also adds a slow fall of 20m when close enough to a wall to touch it.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Club[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/3624f0a0747195aab87887f7cc37c93a/c91dcf6980d94f74-9a/s1280x1920/6fcadea216c1dc4e5e5560509e52574ec2b75edc.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 1 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Staggering, Non-lethal, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]3 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]1 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Staff  

    Also called a wooden stick, it can be deadly when swung hard. It can also deal non-lethal damage.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Crossbow, Hand[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/8ab68c97eca523829e67ff482c7bd254/2bcf2cec80d39e3e-1b/s1280x1920/3ad9f861232604edfc4b3204f62d3af585127d36.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 3 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 60 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (3/6/9Hx), Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]18 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Plank  

    Loading a hand crossbow is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. You can fire, but not load, a hand crossbow one-handed without penalty. On your turn to fight, if you don't move, you can load your crossbow and fire. You can fire a hand crossbow with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if you were attacking with two small arms.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Crossbow, Heavy[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/baea28c9f38fe6e248253363dc76ffb4/003424dfdfbf0f78-9e/s1280x1920/0b4db06acea88ee4af5a1764f536d1ddc7bb4697.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D12 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 15 [td class=faketh]Weight 12 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 320 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (12/24/36Hx), Loading, Sundering, Heavy, Two-Handed, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]16 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]12 Metal Ingot + 6 Leather Patch + 8 Wood Plank  

    Reloading a heavy crossbow requires turning a small winch. Loading a heavy crossbow is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Normally, using a heavy crossbow requires two hands. However, you can fire, but not load, a heavy crossbow one-handed with a -4 penalty on attack rolls.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Crossbow, Light[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/00716ec2ea60a1817aa284e4079aa17e/321351a7f74894af-3b/s1280x1920/6f8c020cac00a159e246500dc8bcc7f8c82844df.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 9 [td class=faketh]Weight 6 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 40 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (6/12/18Hx), Loading, Two-Handed, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]12 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]6 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 3 Wood Plank  

    Normally, operating a light crossbow requires two hands. However, you can shoot, but not load, a one-handed light crossbow with a -2 penalty on attack rolls. You can reload your crossbow as a move action (which causes attacks of opportunity). If the character doesn't move then he can charge and shoot in the same turn. You can fire a light crossbow with either hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if you were attacking with two small arms. This penalty is cumulative with the penalty for shooting with one hand.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Dagger[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/a25ac27ec296ccae9d6d5397154f8d70/54bc9286d96f0e2b-db/s1280x1920/9866afb8be8daeedd2837cae7dfda67b66617204.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 20 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Light, Thrown (2/4/6Hx), Finesse, Prone Fighting, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]4 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]1 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    A dagger has a blade of less than 20cm. You gain a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to hide a dagger on your body (see Sleight of Hand skill). Throwing daggers are often purpose-built.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Dail Longsword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/77be524272b58f90811da20907444f4c/3e20a2123cf7102c-85/s1280x1920/68f6304cb6492f69c1597e8e7fea125112d0f52b.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Dail [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Slashing/Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 125 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Parry, Slicing, Skewering, Versatile (1D10), Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]13 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch  

    A Dail longsword is approximately 100-120 cm long, making it large enough to use with one or two hands. Normally this long and thin blade would not be able to parry effectively, but thanks to its very wide cross it becomes able to parry.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Dail Morgenstern[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/e88f6a286c09a9562add99285cca859b/bc75d192f32e4529-1b/s1280x1920/e0dcbb05a7f5e6b23cf8c7a436a28f9d5aa7d24b.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Dail [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 165 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Staggering, Sundering, Two-Handed, Wind-up [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]9 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Staff  

    A Morgenstern Dail is a heavy flail, consisting of a weighted end connected to a handle by a sturdy chain. Although often imagined as a ball, sometimes pointed like the head of a club, the head of a flail can actually take on many different shapes, such as spheres, weights, short bars, etc. Military flails are more robust evolutions of the agricultural flails, which are used for threshing

  • beating piles of grain to separate useful grains from their husks.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Draconid Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/e0ef3a3f91dfc62032e8ce7fcf2dd779/59cb23ce31219b6f-cc/s1280x1920/1c2515757da06cfb2ba5283ed378866bb0f91d1d.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Rake Drakonic [td class=faketh]Damage 2D6 Slashing/Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 12 [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 30 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Parry, Heavy, Skewering or Slicing, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]8 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]5 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch  

    Large beaked sword. It can be used both as a thrusting weapon and as a cutting weapon, the character must inform the DM of which type of attack he intends to use before rolling the dice. If the weapon is used pointedly, it has the "Piercing" quality, if used edged, it has the "Sharp" quality. Large weapon, usable only by Large characters.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Revolver Gun[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Firearms [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/3205f21e03e5ea52444ae9ce88fa2816/f33deb27b0f561be-6c/s1280x1920/6172627c8b7b071828168aa1b8a96d5984a93b5f.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Satyraxis [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 750 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (4/8/12Hx), Gunpowder, 6 shot before Loading, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Gunsmith [td colspan=1]20 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]10 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch + 3 Springs + 3 Levers + 3 Gears  

    A revolver is a single-action gun with a rotating cylinder containing six chambers. Each chamber holds a metal cartridge, and when a cartridge is fired, the cylinder rotates automatically (no additional hand or action is required), preparing the next chamber for firing. This weapon is the highest level of technology present on Valenor, built by a few Satirax craftsmen, the waiting list to obtain one is over a year. A revolver uses metal cartridges as ammunition. Reloading the six bullets is a full-turn action.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Dulandir Burning Flail[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/ffd1d251cd2c54d38aebbd6393a48f75/d5821a80c583c6f0-ac/s1280x1920/2a044518cbe5a0b425c3297e534f99d723d7978e.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Dulandir [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Fuoco+1D8 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 DEX [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 40 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1], Finesse, Reach, Bypass, Ensnaring, Special, Wind-up [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]6 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Cloth Patch + 2 Alchemical Flame Essence  

    A Burning flail has reach, so you can strike opponents 10 feet away with it. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, it can be used against an adjacent foe. You can make trip attacks with the chain. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the chain to avoid being tripped. When using a spiked chain, you get a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails).

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Geld Bardique[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/6f30edf120f7e5f8d7a6ebff2f30e429/c042046e16c549c8-05/s1280x1920/c7398a8703be5980985dfd53a8491f2b45932a5b.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Geld [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Bludgeoning/Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 11 [td class=faketh]Weight 6 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 12 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Parry, Slicing, Two-Handed, Heavy [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]9 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]6 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    A Geld War Bardique is an ax too large to use without special training. It is a long weapon without the "Long" attribute. Wielded with skill this weapon is capable of inflicting damage as both an ax and a hammer, the character must specify what type of damage he intends to inflict before rolling the dice to hit. A Geld character does not suffer the "Heavy" penalty for this weapon.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Elean Dancer Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Duel Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/2da1a78fe2dd85d6352bb14204e17a6f/e3539ec29462ae61-0d/s1280x1920/5d819456cff18e748b9684f8cceb98a7f36090fb.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Elean Moon Elves [td class=faketh]Damage 2D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 11 [td class=faketh]Weight 8 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 45 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Slicing, Two-Handed, Light [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]16 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    An Elean Dancer Sword is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a two-bladed sword in one hand can’t use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round.

    [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Elean Moon Axe[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/7d63a4fc6f295b2fad17f42b6501e887/b3e0b0132351ecea-26/s1280x1920/1c60fa0106500b1dbdbc6d9421ae744cc6dafe05.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Elean Moon Elves [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 11 [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 10 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Reach, Sweeping, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Staff  

    The handle of this ax is long enough to be wielded with two hands. The head can have one or two blades, with blade shapes ranging from crescents to square-edged like narrower versions of wood axes. The wooden handle can be protected and strengthened with metal bands called langets.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Elean Warhammer[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/fe8d5b5df28cf1df5f47ec1172bc5b09/228ca926c959976a-42/s1280x1920/8d0a1fe78fb68efe1fb5f93a4110e49789ce23a8.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Elean Moon Elves [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 3 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 230 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Staggering, Sundering, Versatile (1d12) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]12 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Staff  

    This weapon consists of a wooden haft and a heavy, metal head. The head may be single (like a carpenter’s hammer) or double (like a sledgehammer). The haft is long enough that you may wield it one

  • or two-handed. Though heavy and relatively slow to wield, warhammers are capable of delivering immense blows, crushing armor and flesh alike.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Elf Noble Blade[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/4fef4c85374dc6083ba49492ae44fbb3/463eb4a1b731d1e7-45/s1280x1920/7897d939cb7c967fee41539406de6be5a7106904.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Arborean Elves [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 18x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 3 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 75 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Light, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]15 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    Essentially a longer version of a scimitar, but with a thinner blade, the elven curved blade is exceptionally rare. You receive a +2 circumstance bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an enemy attempts to break your elven curved blade thanks to its special flexible metal.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Geld Spear-Axe[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/09fd03433a26cc3d89fae648104d18a2/118f73577d79fa2d-94/s1280x1920/a637ac48d194573cb133a8ed6f0ee53c2456f31d.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Geld [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 8 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 10 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Wind-up, Reach, Sweeping, Versatile (1D8 Slashing) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    This weapon is also called Urgrosh and is a double weapon. It can be used in combat as if you were fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all of the normal attack penalties associated with two-weapon combat, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. The urgrosh's axe point is a slashing weapon that deals 1d8 points of damage. Its spearhead is a piercing weapon that deals 1d6 points of damage. You can use both heads as your main weapon. The other is the secondary weapon. A creature wielding a Geld Spear-Axe in one hand cannot use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in a given round. If you use a ready action to place an urgrosh against a charge, you deal double damage if you hit a charging character. If you use an Urgrosh against a charging character, the point of the spear is the part of the weapon that deals damage.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Glaive[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/ced95a0a5cde2be594df731288fa1879/708251d5a9699060-d9/s1280x1920/68fd9a674da599d4bea30b58284cc5f68c64f4d4.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 6 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 50 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Reach, Sweeping, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]6 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 3 Wood Staff  

    A Glaive can strike opponents 2 Hex away (Hex 2), but cannot be used against an enemy in an adjacent (Hex 1) square.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Touranian Wideblade[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/71de266e60a45d71cdf72b8b11bd20ce/333f6fe90a50c1f2-ec/s1280x1920/18b0aa8bf417a6b102839e09f458991f7011cfef.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Touranian [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 18x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 4 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Tool, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]5 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]1 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    The Lamalarga is a traditional Gnome knife with a broad, curved blade that has been used by the Touranian and Kurzelcut people for centuries. It is both a tool (it functions as a hammer, saw, and hatchet; it's also perfect for skinning prey) and a weapon, and is considered a symbol of identity for the gnomes of Valenor. There isn't a Gnome who doesn't carry a Wideblade.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Great Scythe[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/112ed15c77bc434e33104a84d6186d94/7de9412e68a7f057-94/s1280x1920/7a726f4ec893ef632c3c1588dff4d8bc4ecdc47e.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 2D4 Piercing/Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x4 [td class=faketh]Required STR 10 [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 40 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Slicing, Reach, Two-Handed, Winged [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]5 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    A war scythe is only vaguely similar to the scythe used for field work, the war scythe being much heavier and sturdier. A scythe can be used to make trip attacks.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Greataxe[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/0bd97f1301b0592dc70376c94de07bb7/02b87f68e611ecb2-c6/s1280x1920/029ab6f58fece0df9ae623e24097ca392de8da49.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D12 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 14 [td class=faketh]Weight 12 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 30 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Two-Handed, Slicing, Staggering [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]12 Metal Ingot + 6 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    This two-handed battle ax is heavy enough that you cannot wield it with one hand. The head may have one or two blades, and may be "bearded" (meaning hooked or extended at the bottom) to increase slashing power and help break down enemy shields. The handle is usually 90 to 120 cm long.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Greatsword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/ce0078e4318f29e39d2d9d7077632f52/f27356be6c123343-0e/s1280x1920/592cd94b47e0e81f9647052dc28190e295e36fca.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 2D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 14 [td class=faketh]Weight 9 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 50 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Parry, Sweeping, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]9 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch  

    This immense two-handed sword is about 1,5 meters in length. A greatsword may have a dulled lower blade that can be gripped.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Hand Axe[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/271998932c72d3520de627e18dc159c0/8fb254642c35a533-47/s1280x1920/8f42eb174c846481ce482f574f97a61027376890.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 7 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Light, Thrown (2/4/6Hx), Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]5 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]2 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Staff  

    This one-handed ax is short (about 12" long) and designed to be used with one hand. There are throwing axes, which are well balanced to have a precise trajectory when thrown. Tomahawks, war hatchets, and other similar names usually always refer to axes like this one.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Heavy Steambow[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/9a1127605ce76b251214508cecc72f5f/0d54451d00b5ff1d-6b/s1280x1920/5270469bb581ac514f815b5c839fce569fd2b20e.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Rake Drakonic [td class=faketh]Damage 2D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 18x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 15 [td class=faketh]Weight 15 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 750 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (14/28/42Hx), Heavy, Special, Skewering, Two-Handed, Sundering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Tinkerer [td colspan=1]18 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]15 Metal Ingot + 7 Leather Patch + 5 Wood Staff + 1 Boiler + 1 Pressure Tank + 3 Springs + 7 Gears + 12 Levers  

    A Heavy Steam Bow is a weapon crafted by the gnomes of Touran for their dragon allies. Since bows are not suited to Draconian physiology, the gnomes have adapted a longbow, loaded with steam pressure, for them. Appreciated by the more open-minded Draconians, it is snubbed (like all thrown weapons) by the more conservative, who consider it a weapon for cowards. Large weapon, usable only by Large characters. These bows have a mechanism that automatically reloads them and therefore can be used as normal bows. Like other Touranian builds it has a tendency to explode on a Fumble.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Hook Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/4066d53f7bef07ff3eb29fcd959127d1/4ce8cdda3b007bb4-cd/s1280x1920/9977479b8028544775ce0e5abe3b257234697f63.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Chi [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 6 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 19 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Light, Parry, Reach, Disarming, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]6 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch  

    This is a weapon with a curved blade in a shape of a hook, a bladed guard and a knife tip on his handle. Also known as heaven and earth sword and tiger hook sword, these are weapons made to be used in pairs, with hooks useful to trip opponents and trap weapons.   Special:Trip. When trying take the Shove action while wielding this weapon, you can make an attack roll with your weapon instead of a Strength (Athletics) check.   Special:Trap. While wielding one hook sword in each hand, you can try to trap an opponent weapon. When a creature misses you on an attack with a melee weapon, you can use your reaction to make a grapple attempt against the attacker. The target may end this grapple by releasing their weapon. While grappling your opponents weapon, you can't make attacks against them with the hook swords.   Special:Link. While wielding one hook sword in each of your hands, you can link them together as a bonus action until the end of your turn. They gain the Reach property, and their damage die becomes a d4. Due to the concentration necessary to effectively wield linked hook sword, this still counts as wielding two weapons.[/p   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Kama[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d27c6d51eff4ceba41a762fbd7fb3149/cac708d3253ada9b-01/s1280x1920/babebfef7fa4932509008b69dd549c126d297918.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Shen [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 2 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Light, Chain Thrown (2/4/6Hx), Backstab, +Chain=Disarming, [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]4 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]2 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Staff  

    The kama is a sickle used by peasants, to which is added a long chain with weights at the end. The Chain can be used to strike the enemy from a distance, to trip or disarm them. The weapon has the Light designation because, when used 2-handed with a sickle and chain, it counts as if the character were attacking with two weapons, using 2 light weapons.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Katana[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/b96ea51a56e103efde25968830ef420d/649873dc169d3c9d-82/s1280x1920/0401d5ff922be7cb978aa2d1fba03ae4dc8e2c41.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Ki [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8+1 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 18x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 250 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Slicing, Versatile (1D10+1), Bleeding, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]19 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]12 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    While functionally a Bastard Sword, this sword is the most masterfully crafted non-magical weapon in existence. Counts as a masterwork weapon and grants the wielder a +1 bonus on attack rolls. A katana can be used with one or two hands, but training usually involves the use of the Katana paired with the Wakizashi, this pairing is called Daisho.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Garowian Doubleblade[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/8cbe0ccde1da64f2e199c1f3b4b99758/8463158977581657-c7/s1280x1920/68b654beb95474a2185540fa2ff2c2099a0cf989.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Garowian [td class=faketh]Damage 2D8 Piercing/Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 14 [td class=faketh]Weight 14 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 120 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Sweeping, Reach, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]14 Metal Ingot + 7 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    The Garowian Doubleblade is a powerful weapon, highly prized by Leonid Warriors. It fits very well with their nature as fierce warriors, who tend to throw themselves into the fray. The Double Blade allows him to fight many enemies, keeping them at a distance. A two-edged sword is a double weapon. You can fight as if you were fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all of the normal attack penalties associated with two-weapon fighting, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a two-bladed sword in one hand cannot use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in a given round.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Garowian Shirika Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/8640866a20625254d7de796abc5f8d65/e835c9c65db9c413-6d/s1280x1920/94f71676b2967e165e1ae8670395549291b1b338.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Garowian [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 18 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Parry, Double weapons=Disarming, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]8 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch  

    This heavy blade has a convex curve near the end, making its overall shape similar to that of a battleaxe. A typical Shirika sword is 50-70 cm in length. Its curved shape allows the wielder to hook around defenses and trip foes. The elegant shape of a Shirika leads some artisans to cover them in ornate decorations.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Lirpa[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Duel Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/5cb3f42ac1b161dee6a0377d6c272b07/8ab5cd100dec4e31-de/s1280x1920/e1dc8cd607ca0bfc792c647048488ffe0648f821.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 10 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 32 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Two-Handed, Bleeding, Parry, Finesse [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]10 Metal Ingot + 5 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    A Lirpa is a rare and unusual double weapon often used as a ceremonial weapon, but one that can inflict monstrous damage in the hands of an expert. It consists of a 120 to 150 cm shaft, with a crescent-shaped blade mounted at each end. Most Lirpas have spikes that protrude from the edges to maximize effectiveness. It is used in the same manner as a two-headed halberd, striking the enemy and cutting through his body to cause extensive wounds. The Lirpa can be considered a cousin of the more traditional wooden stick and therefore suitable for both attack and defence.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Long Bow[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/4a559026bce48a34283150c81f281413/a23cb3d517d97418-ac/s1280x1920/81ed0a95702624b80fe6f3a320174db87764ff58.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 6 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 55 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (10/20/30Hx), Two-Handed, Heavy, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]8 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]2 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 6 Wood Staff  

    YYou need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. A longbow is too bulky to use while mounted. Like all ranged weapons, the stat used for the attack roll is DEX. While a bow that requires a lot of strength to use, its arrows do not deal additional damage due to strength.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Altan Longclaw[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/9b7e1745364ae38fe74e44cb3b0e4510/4787233660b3946e-e9/s1280x1920/33b43481a42b6f5c2bc0887f2159a62f95da7cdd.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Altan [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Piercing/Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 11 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 77 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Parry, Bypass, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]13 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]11 Metal Ingot + 5 Leather Patch  

    This Altan sword has a heavy point protruding from the head of the sword, intended to strike an enemy beyond the shield. Unlike other Avian weapons, this one is not designed to be used in flight, but is used to fight heavily armored enemies or monsters that would not be hit by the light weapons that the Altan usually use.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Mace[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/156868ba7f70f13caa2a4d8e33a3545d/bc38c863d232bc70-bc/s1280x1920/fcc8e239761cb3d5d797e944c370a9d067dc473d.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 8 [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 5 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Versatile (1D8), Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]6 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Staff  

    A light mace consists of an ornate metal head attached to a plain wooden or metal shaft. Used from horseback it becomes a devastating weapon, sometimes called a "Cavalry Mace"

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Mace, Heavy[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/4ce3de0b7e78211c6e26761b30aaccf9/f89363e177c90c7e-9f/s1280x1920/4953c25351bfc3f45b65d494ac69a6af821305f1.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 14 [td class=faketh]Weight 12 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 110 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Staggering, Sundering, Heavy, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]10 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]12 Metal Ingot + 6 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    A heavy mace is a two-handed weapon with a larger head and longer handle than a regular (light) mace. Often used by infantrymen facing knights or other armored creatures, it is also often referred to as an Infantry Mace.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Macuahuitl[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/6ec39f225c7289dfa3573e699646f0e8/6f8c9f9512c0da31-de/s1280x1920/b277145353040172e2a989f91a1b8346a16590f5.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Wild Tribes Human [td class=faketh]Damage 2D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 15 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 45 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Two-Handed, Slicing [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]9 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]15 Obsidian Shard + 7 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    A Macuahuitl is a two-handed weapon, a wooden mace with several embedded obsidian blades. The name comes from the language of the Kukulkan barbarians and means "wood by hand". Its sides are set with prismatic blades traditionally made from obsidian. Obsidian is capable of producing a sharper edge than high quality steel razor blades. The macuahuitl is a standard close combat weapon.

    [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Mana Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Mage Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/fa44b3ba160735dc339535e8d367237d/b0cbb9e4369f82d0-27/s1280x1920/8ffe6cf797a8489f9c8733032f6419ead9706848.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage Special [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 140 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Slicing, Special [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Incantatore [td colspan=1] [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]1 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch + 5 Mana Crystals Small  

    It is a small wand that transforms a spell (not a chant) into a sword-sized staff of light. The sword is physically capable of striking and parrying, dealing 1D6 damage + the level of the spell used to empower it. The attack bonus is equal to the mage's primary skill bonus + 1 for each level of the spell used to enhance it.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Martial Arts[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Unarmed Combat [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/510f0e5bf0e37e6e3f2dee1fb8fb844f/34c50eaecac88fe7-4c/s1280x1920/6afb5bb957390fff5d0353f71c8e70ae6266dd42.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D3 / Special [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight - [td class=faketh]Rarity - [td class=faketh]Cost
  • Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Special, Non-lethal [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe - [td colspan=1] [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]  

    An unarmed strike is always considered a light weapon. Therefore, you can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with an unarmed strike. Unarmed strikes do not count as natural weapons (see Combat). Damage from an unarmed strike is treated as weapon damage for purposes of effects that give you a bonus on weapon damage rolls. Attacking with an unarmed strike does not cause attacks of opportunity if the attacker has the "Martial Arts Training" feat.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Minoan Bow[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/b0ed7a27c17bb0395f7119055e1d532a/3610c372427293b9-56/s1280x1920/2ba60203e42bcb486e858faf350fa840d2fc6122.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Minoan [td class=faketh]Damage 1D12+STR Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 8 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 140 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (9/18/27Hx), Two-Handed, Skewering, Staggering, Heavy, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]13 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch + 12 Wood Staff  

    You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use this composite longbow while mounted. All composite bows are built by the Minoans for use with high force. If your Strength bonus is less than the composite bow's minimum Strength score, you can't use it effectively, so you take a –2 penalty on attacks with it. A Minotaur bow can be made with a high strength score to take advantage of an above-average strength score; this feature allows you to add your Strength bonus to the damage, up to the maximum bonus indicated for the bow. Large weapon, usable only by Large characters.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Molten Gold Staff[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/2b327d9a0d7bb462c36d2fff1b4ff43e/3d8b93246cd24e71-e6/s1280x1920/c0f807f4be0bf24e5fdacd78498ec9032b822587.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Geld [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 + 1D8 Molten Gold (Fire) [td class=faketh]Critical 18x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 200 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Special, Ammunition, Thrown (1/2/3Hx), Loading, Staggering [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Smithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]5 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Staff + 4 Alchemical Activators  

    This weapon is the ritual weapon of the Goldmancers. It is a hollow-headed mace in which molten gold is stored. in this way when the Goldmancer strikes or otherwise wields the weapon the opponent is hit by the splashes of molten gold. Often used as an Aspergillum (Holy Water sprinkler), this weapon deals terrifying damage. Ammunitions are gold coins, up to 3, which are placed in the crucible. Each coin is used in an attack, once the coins are used the crucible must be recharged. Refilling the crucible is a movement action.

    [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Norren Harpoon[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/65fd451bf75b62e6b4012dc422a1561f/dc871319a0cf37e6-22/s1280x1920/a8f6e2a70691cd30a04bc5af5ed10366df62281d.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Norren [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 18x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 11 [td class=faketh]Weight 6 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 9 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Skewering, Thrown (4/8/12Hx) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]12 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]6 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 6 Wood Staff  

    The Norren Harpoon is used by Norren fishermen to injure and weaken the sea monsters they hunt. It is designed to be used as a thrown weapon, and since it is not designed for close combat, if used as a melee weapon, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls in close combat. Large weapon, usable only by Large characters.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Norren Runic Club[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/550f58da03592bb6374083d37dfbda5c/c804717da82a5b26-4d/s1280x1920/28bd239dfbadb72610d2ee2867521558c31f2de6.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Norren [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 8 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 5 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Staggering, Two-Handed, Non-lethal [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]7 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Wood Staff + 4 Leather Patch + 4 Mana Crystals Small  

    This enormous club is encrusted with runestones and mana crystals, it counts as a magic weapon even if it isn't, and is able to strike spirits and incorporeal creatures as if it were a +2 weapon. Large weapon, usable only by Large characters.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Ugruk Axe Rifle[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Firearms [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/6110802a2fb43e0c5eb90feb1fa32588/82819c796f91246b-e8/s1280x1920/c40525e9f4d68a8dcd145f5d4f637a13d24ff74b.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Ugruk [td class=faketh]Damage Handaxe (1D6 Slash) and Blunderbuss (2D4+2 Piercing) [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 12 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 250 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (5/10/15Hx), AoE(1), Two-Handed, Loading [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Gunsmith [td colspan=1]10 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]12 Metal Ingot + 6 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Plank + 2 Rifle Barrel + 2 Springs + 6 Gears  

    A large ax under the barrel of a rifle. You can use it to attack like an axe, like a rifle, or when you hit a creature with the head of the blade you can use a bonus action to make a rifle charge attack against the same target. This is considered a full melee attack. Ugruk orcs sometimes load their rifle with a firestone, which explodes with AoE1 when it hits the target, dealing an additional 1D10 fire damage.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Ugruk Burning Stones Sling[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/0eb1866188a5cdaa05424be28fe99966/3b3cfa59a40e10e7-3b/s1280x1920/59393989b5c8e5c64140bf029e287ed4bc40c899.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Ugruk [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 6 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (7/14/21Hx), Special [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Leatherworking [td colspan=1]8 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Leather Patch  

    Your Strength modifier applies to damage rolls when using a sling, just like with thrown weapons. You can throw, but not charge, a slingshot with one hand. Reloading a sling is a move action that requires two hands and provokes attacks of opportunity. You can hurl ordinary stones with a sling, but the stones aren't as dense or round as projectiles, so they do only 1D4 damage and you take a -1 penalty on attack rolls. Ugruk orcs often load their slingshots with a Firestone, which explodes with AoE1 upon hitting the target, dealing an additional 1D10 fire damage.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Phan Alchemical Laucher[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/2a78499f6f1d3fae84a729bdb75d3647/3d136ca7d97ae8d8-71/s1280x1920/f3b793bf84d90bebf1d8e4ad69839335434520d5.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Phan [td class=faketh]Damage 1D12 Piercing or special ammo [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 11 [td class=faketh]Weight 10 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 600 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (7/14/21Hx), Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Tinkerer [td colspan=1]16 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]10 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Plank + 3 Rifle Barrel + 2 Springs + 6 Gears + 6 Alchemical Activators  

    The Phan Alchemical Launcher is a techno-magical construction capable of launching different types of elemental attacks depending on the potions used as ammunition. The peculiarity of this weapon is that it has a very powerful attack up to a very long range. Only well-trained slaves are capable of using this weapon with a reasonable hope of not being blown up by misuse of their own ammunition. If the user of the launcher fumbles as a result of an attack, he suffers 6D8 (AoE2) damage with an element equal to that of the last attack performed. If used untrained, the chance of explosion doubles.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Phan Power Cleave[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/595abfef4ad98e01f91d11522641c997/aeb7ee11706e2a45-84/s1280x1920/0d0db458f6d4e478816070009bcfb8d760bac82e.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Phan [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 12 [td class=faketh]Weight 12 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 45 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Slicing, Sweeping, Versatile (2D6), Heavy [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]12 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]12 Metal Ingot + 6 Leather Patch + 2 Alchemical Flame Essence + 12 Springs + 4 Gears + 24 Levers  

    This weapon is often integrated into the bionic limbs of Phan constructs, or the limbs of elite slaves who have sustained serious wounds in battle. The blade integrated into these limbs becomes incandescent in battle, it can dash forward up to a distance of almost 2 meters for a lunge. The Versatile skill is related to blade extension rather than 2-handed use.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Phan Repeating Laucher[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cf84548624561e2fcdbb2c1413833906/c349c60dae7b17dd-6f/s1280x1920/964b8eb720bc450491940aac3eb969f139672473.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Phan [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 11 [td class=faketh]Weight 7 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 550 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (6/12/18Hx),6 shot before Loading, Two-Handed, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Tinkerer [td colspan=1]15 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]7 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 16 Springs + 10 Gears + 8 Levers  

    The Phan Repeating Launcher is a steam-powered weapon capable of repeatedly firing metal bolts. The clip holds 6 shots and can all be fired in the same round or in different attacks. Each bolt deals 1D4 damage. At the end of the 6 shots, the magazine must be replaced and it is an action that requires 1 full round (like the Heavy crossbow).

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Phan Warglaive[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/67f5abc9dfa0142f416fba8c0f5c149a/a51ac6df5a8e8cc0-d7/s1280x1920/3cb586e804b524254df85472bfd3e1b7a5210ebd.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Phan [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 12 [td class=faketh]Weight 8 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 18 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Reach, Parry, Two-Handed, Sweeping [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]15 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch + 3 Wood Staff  

    Weapon often wielded by specialized forces or leaders of major warbands or groups. This weapon also grants the wielder the Parry ability and can be used up to 3 meters (2 Hex) away.

    [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Pistol[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Firearms [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/5033ae30b96cbe4cf2a4d4a6d0275c0e/f476116bff913d10-9f/s1280x1920/829977584061cfb3df313c45a4958c5d12d92ca4.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 2D6 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 480 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (3/6/9Hx), Gunpowder, Loading, Sundering, Skewering, Light, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Gunsmith [td colspan=1]8 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Plank + 1 Rifle Barrel + 4 Springs + 6 Gears + 3 Levers  

    The smallest and most compact firearm, the pistol is also one of the rarest firearms, as most people not only prefer firearms with a longer range, but the pistol itself requires more craftsmanship to be used. manufactured. Despite its short range, a pistol is still a formidable weapon, and is often used as a self-defense weapon. Often, pistol grips have metal blocks that allow them to be used as maces in hand-to-hand combat.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Pit Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Duel Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/db8395e45a9908468645bf9b79d74e37/3c8eab74737b0e2f-92/s1280x1920/5e7fea9d475b9c1e9f5562cd09d8e7d15a43a6d2.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6+1 Slashing/Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 8 [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 25 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Light, Parry, Non-lethal, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]5 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch  

    A Pit Sword (also called a Butterfly Sword) is a short, broad, single-edged blade with a small crossguard. Only half of an edge is sharpened

  • from midpoint to tip
  • with the blunt edges used for non-lethal strikes. They are usually used in pairs.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Polearm, Heavy[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/0210359d344c4334ffc5d50c05f4d733/1d3994eeb7a5bb3e-28/s1280x1920/b8c163b6f22bc6ed57c70846bb4d3d33bb0bbefa.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Piercing/Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 7 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 18 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Reach, Skewering, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]9 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]7 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    If you use a ready action to set a polearm against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging character. You can use a polearm to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the polearm to avoid being tripped.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Polearm, Light[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/72047d3b9c46b14baee9a8d9fc40fe9c/617636f4f242d563-df/s1280x1920/66893e62a9be6f1e0264defc657179076cf99876.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 3 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Versatile (1D8), Thrown (2/4/6Hx) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]6 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]5 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    A spear can be thrown. If you use a ready action to set a spear against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging character.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Priest Bow-Staff[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/649c2c743b3a874c31db3f660acf603c/1bc399bbd6e44f10-f0/s1280x1920/984bbb747dead7776780e11d106d91f0da975f91.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Arborean Elves [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 6 [td class=faketh]Weight 6 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 1200 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (10/20/30Hx), Two-Handed, Non-lethal, Special, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]6 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 3 Wood Staff  

    The elves of Arborea noticed that when the enemy got too close to their archers, they suffered heavy casualties. To overcome this problem, their bows act as both Staff and Bow. Some elves who are both warriors and wizards/priests have further improved these weapons. This is the priest version, which allows a cleric to be armed with a staff and a bow that shoots magical arrows. This bow requires no ammo, as it makes its own arrows. Also the special effect of this bow is that it can also cast a "Cure Light Wounds" spell 3 times, before needing to be recharged from a long rest.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Altan Ripclaw sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/36ee09a60043dbc1dc1764d51dbf82aa/ee634410bed661fc-ec/s1280x1920/29c4b27a6498bbf13014b4b93f32d22ac5db5e98.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Altan [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 3 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 16 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]In Flight (as Cavalry), Finesse, Parry, Light, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]12 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    TThe Ripclaw is an Altan weapon designed to be used both on the ground and in the air. It has a thin, light blade, bent in a curve at the front. The cutting edge is just inside the curve and so the rest of the sword can be gripped with the toe claws while the Alatan is in flight.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Sai[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Unarmed Combat [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/87410f5fb44e2ba465d47fa436c8e285/ed2d168e0c476de7-e0/s1280x1920/595539acaa34b49fc4fd7bf0d08bf7c3e19f752c.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20*2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 35 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Non-lethal, Ensnaring, Disarming,, Light, Finesse, Parry, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]6 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]2 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    A Sai is a weapon that, for the sole purpose of parrying and disarming an opponent, is composed of a sturdy metal bar and one or more curved prongs that trap the opponent's weapons. With a sai, you gain a +4 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm a foe (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails).

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Sarlerian Duel Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Duel Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/7674cdbd9dee51d4ab4572e590b2747b/296fd10f05b62665-11/s1280x1920/76384a46a48b43579bd7a3e8baa0f36c75297f81.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Sarlerian [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 18x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 38 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]18 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]2 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    The old Kingdom of Sarleris has been defeated and conquered by the Phan Empire, but its inhabitants have never amalgamated with the rest of the imperial subjects. Culture and customs are always alive in this area. The use of the Fioretto Sarleriano (Sarlerian Duel Sword) is handed down in families despite the imperial ban on arms. This dueling blade is extremely light and sharp, and is used in ways other weapons cannot. It is an accurate and fast weapon and when you use it you get a +1 bonus to initiative.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Scorpion Falcata[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/7f8aab539126e832afee4673c9368ba8/c09acf6771a06d59-79/s1280x1920/ddb3b3b10abd3b38be50f44f62c36e8e488262ce.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Rhodian [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 28 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Cavalry, Finesse, Light, Slicing, Parry, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch  

    This sword, typical of desert peoples, has a curved, sharp edge like a scimitar, with the trailing edge dull and flat or slightly curved. Its weight is greatest towards the end, making it better for slashing rather than stabbing.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Scrapsword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/9e2206ddfc78c87c881c09f3af82ab4d/e595a86918f0b416-74/s1280x1920/1cdac2641904b3ba6be9a101e4994c6b47470d02.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Kerak [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing/Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 1 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Parry, Versatile (2d4), Sweeping, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]3 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]5 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch  

    All goblin swords over 50 cm in size fall under this heading. Often built with scrap iron and other metal scraps, these swords are still very successful, mainly due to the craftsmanship of the tinkerers who build them.

    [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Seeker's Hook[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Unarmed Combat [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d76c8dc1c4121a72f715757a9a607ed6/4b0269c17953e177-f3/s1280x1920/36719c97f8b60f22d1735c737b2c0f868eee2cf5.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Phan [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 4 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Bypass, Ensnaring, Versatile (1D8), Reach, Disarming, [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]6 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]1 Metal Ingot + 20 Rope  

    This large curved hook, made of sharp metal, makes it easy to trip and catch fleeing opponents. Invented by ogres, and adopted by Imperial Pathfinders (hunters of fugitive slaves) most Pathfinder Hooks are large and crudely fashioned, often fashioned from metal stripped from the weapons and armor of previous victims. Despite their poor workmanship, the rarity and danger involved in obtaining hooks from Imperial Seekers make these items quite valuable.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Shamshir Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/91accbd70507f0a97409a225b3a069b2/15f1c3a4c00a6304-0c/s1280x1920/97b1be3d53bd815f7b65563b51cf08e3ea2ab12e.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Velshadir [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 3 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 21 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Parry, Slicing, Finesse, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    This is the sidearm used by the Velshadir elves. This curved sword is shorter than a longsword and longer than a shortsword. These are dimensions specially designed for fighting in the underground tunnels, where the Velshadir have lived for a thousand years. Only the outer edge is sharpened and the back is flat, giving the blade a triangular cross section.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Short Blade[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/67958f3fa47d5dd774c59077c26b3035/c1847e9a75683329-c9/s1280x1920/9553f03f1f5668080d1c037a3fc439e3e347d985.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 3 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 7 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Backstab, Light, Prone Fighting, Thrown (2/4/6Hx) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]6 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    Short blades are some of the most common weapons found in any martial society, and thus the designs are extremely varied, depending on region and creator. Most are about less than 60cm long. Their blades can be curved or straight, single-edged or double-edged, broad or narrow. Grips can be ornate or plain, with cross guards, basket grips, or no guard at all. Such weapons are often used alone, but can also be paired as a matched set or used in conjunction with a dagger or longer sword.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Short Bow[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/ca771b439ed1e6c9caa7822a79db1759/f263d29c02822ad2-21/s1280x1920/b8eefd90db52a79d480dd3dd080345ce9862cbe2.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 3 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (6/12/18Hx), Two-Handed, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]6 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Wood Staff + 1 Leather Patch  

    You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use a shortbow while mounted. If you have a penalty for low Strength, apply it to damage rolls when using a shortbow. If you have a high Strength bonus, you can't apply it to damage rolls when using a normal shortbow.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Shuriken[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Unarmed Combat [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/bc264e8a9971a3b14a3ac9e1c6389ff7/786946cf6382041e-50/s1280x1920/1305db306a047741d92ff7e3cdc3c8d7739c2150.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 0,5 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 10 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Light, Thrown (3/6/9Hx), Finesse, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]7 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]0,5 Metal Ingot  

    A shuriken is a hidden weapon that was generally used for throwing and sometimes stabbing. They are sharp throwing blades made from a variety of everyday objects, such as needles, nails, and knives, as well as coins, washers, and other flat metal plates.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Sickle Staff[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/e2672da57bc95a139b6273607a31a625/208bd167af11b0df-17/s1280x1920/08e600248153f80a5327c8e5e375bb9a2c09bf9f.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 4 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Slicing, Reach, Bypass [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]7 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]5 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    A sickle is a tool used by peasants to cut down plants, combined with a stick used to reach fruit and other things high up on tree branches. This weapon has become a ritual object among the druids and priests of Danu.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Sindran Elven Bow[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/3c14d103fe9a414e7003d6b9daf8be8e/2a95129daf530070-71/s1280x1920/443740e9d8a622fed2721813b1134d3debd80e95.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Sindran [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 10 [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 75 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (12/24/36Hx), Skewering, Two-Handed, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]10 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    A massive elven bow designed to kill enemies at extremely long range. Use arrows as ammo. Elven bows are crafted with secret techniques and always count as a "Masterpiece" (+1 to hit). The elves of Arborea noticed that when the enemy got too close to their archers, they suffered heavy casualties. To overcome this problem, their bows act as both Staff and Bow.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Sivasni Plainsmen Bow[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Bow Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d1ff2a1bff554bf5af77cd1c134d00c4/51ee64f4bb7643d3-c0/s1280x1920/3052c5bdf356194534aede6a76a4db96fd69d97d.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Sivasni Plainsman [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10+STR Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 14 [td class=faketh]Weight 7 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 120 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (9/18/27Hx), Two-Handed, Skewering, Staggering [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch + 7 Wood Staff  

    The horsemen of the steppes, the Sivasni, live their whole life as nomads, so their weapons must also be able to be used on horseback. You can use a Sivasni (composite) shortbow while mounted. All Sivasni bows are crafted to maximize the strength of the user. This feature allows you to add your Strength bonus to the damage inflicted by the arrow. You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Smelter[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Firearms [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/576b7e5ef7b1bf0b85f01794687e4bde/581433644398920b-88/s1280x1920/d4f03d70aa51562ac6d59b5f03fe2645745b744f.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Geld [td class=faketh]Damage 2D6 Fuoco [td class=faketh]Critical 18x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 18 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 320 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Ammunition, Ranged (2/4/6Hx), Special, Two-Handed, AoE (1-2-3) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Tinkerer [td colspan=1]9 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]18 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 5 Wood Plank + 1 Boiler + 2 Pressure Tank + 6 Springs + 7 Gears + 12 Levers + 4 Alchemical Fire Essence  

    Device consisting of a heavy tank filled with thickened fuel, and a hand-held flamethrower rod that projects and ignites the fuel. It is only useful at short distances. A creature that takes damage from a flamethrower takes 2D6 points of fire damage at the start of each of its turns, not stacking with itself. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 15 Dexterity check to put out the flames. You have disadvantage on Dexterity checks with the flamethrower, due to its extreme bulk.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Soslith Black Urchin Mace[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/b85a5f23fca4d989bebb2680430242b7/612648d140d57da8-90/s1280x1920/cacf76b8edfeb87adffe1b915d7dfbc68b84c705.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Soslith [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 5 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Two-Handed, Special [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]6 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Wood Staff + 2 Leather Patch + 4 Black Urchin Carapace  

    One of many types of harpoons used by seasoned Soslith anglers to pierce the tough shells of sea or land urchins. Each summer the harpoon used to hunt the largest number of sea urchins is kept in local harbors as a symbol of a good harvest.   The Urchin spikes used to create this weapon are poisoned; When this harpoon deals damage, it deals 1D6 poison damage each turn until the target makes a DC 14 Endurance saving throw.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Spiked Chain[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Duel Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/9b6817ee7ff083d678ec71cc428c5075/788442e11486f28b-bc/s1280x1920/5d0bdda4feff0e91416f274aa46c68007c661f75.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 2D4 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 11 DEX [td class=faketh]Weight 5 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 25 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Bypass, Disarming, Ensnaring, Versatile (1D8, Reach), Finesse [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]5 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch  

    A spiked chain has the "Reach" attribute, so you can hit opponents 2 Hex away with it. Also, unlike most other weapons with reach, it can be used against an adjacent enemy. You can make trip attacks with the chain. When you use a spiked chain, you gain a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails).

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Staff[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Unarmed Combat [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/9f037d4152e7f21e85a89175b5f5d970/5313f67c4d7546e1-8e/s1280x1920/84178fbe2342c46b921f0f542d4c5bfc4e16a53f.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D6 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 4 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 2 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Non-lethal, Versatile (2d4), Parry, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Woodcrafting [td colspan=1]4 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    A quarterstaff is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a quarterstaff in one hand can’t use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Steam Rifle[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Firearms [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/c8a06f17a65899ef0eda30b72bd532aa/e524d032a97230e2-64/s1280x1920/003732bc086a38aa26678a9e17cea2af68cca966.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Touranian [td class=faketh]Damage 2D6 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 11 [td class=faketh]Weight 10 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 330 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ammunition, Ranged (4/8/12Hx), Special, Two-Handed, Skewering, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Tinkerer [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]10 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 3 Wood Plank + 1 Boiler + 1 Pressure Tank + 3 Springs + 4 Gears + 6 Levers  

    An unenchanted semi-automatic rifle, created with steam technology and the power of magic. Fire specially crafted darts, in a pack of 6 or a special explosive grenade. The six darts contained in the package can be fired in the way decided by the user, from 1 dart per attack to all 6 darts in a single attack. Obviously the player must declare how many darts he uses before rolling the dice to hit. It is also possible to use darts for an area attack, each dart used in this way gives a +1 to hit but deals no damage. When the 6 darts are used up it is necessary to reload the rifle with water and a new pack of darts, reloading this weapon is a full round action.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Sword[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Sword Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d82e006927734cb2204c506ed6b3bb17/f51c4ae2ff91a57c-fd/s1280x1920/7370e34a2ed01e15e106fcb1066debd2611bbb43.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Slashing/Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 2 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 14 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Parry, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]7 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]2 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    The result of experiments by armorers to create a stronger short sword. The greatsword is both wider and longer than a shortsword (60-90cm), making it very durable. While the extra width that gives it that strength makes it a poor thrusting weapon, it is an excellent slashing sword. The elves cannot deny the effectiveness of this design, but they find that it is not to their liking. Even dwarves who prefer axes and hammers often use swords of this size.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Touranian Axe-Pick[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/add5d5b7049ff1b43944062bfc6cf2e3/2e1c11661305d0f9-ff/s1280x1920/0ac4d933bed8a64487cfcac9b64471c3ee9c2332.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Touranian [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 9 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 222 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Skewering, Sundering, Two-Handed, Ensnaring [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]13 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]9 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch + 2 Wood Staff  

    A Turanian Axe-Pick is a double weapon. You can fight it as if you were fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with two-weapon fighting, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. The blunt head of the hammer is a bludgeoning weapon that deals 1d6 points of damage (x3 critical). His hook is a piercing weapon that deals 1d4 points of damage (x4 critical). You can use both heads as your main weapon. The other head is the secondary weapon.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Triton Wavecrest Blade[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/89f7078a6e55060f356de218b900fbe3/3fbe7fc3916729f2-41/s1280x1920/813aa00b7e6ba05fb6bbf5b8106f1390e03bb9ad.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Triton [td class=faketh]Damage 1D10 Piercing/Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 7 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 42 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Two-Handed, Slicing, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]15 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]7 Metal Ingot + 3 Leather Patch  

    Also known as "scorpion's tail" since this blade is obtained from the sting of a marine crustacean called "Sea Scorpion". Crafted by Triton craftsmen, this double-curved blade receives a long handle and a sturdy guard. Compared to other two-handed weapons it is extremely light and in some cases floats. It cannot be used to Parry as it may shatter.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Ugruk Double Axe[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Duel Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/e85504d3707516b516e923ee7e556ce3/1a4cb76082ded17c-93/s1280x1920/616b6ef81a0a597e59e8f3236908a22e5c68f52e.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Ugruk [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 14 [td class=faketh]Weight 8 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 57 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Parry, Reach, Sundering, Two-Handed [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]17 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    An Ugruk doubleaxe is a double weapon, possessing two heavy ax blades at the ends of a staff. You can fight as if you were fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all of the normal attack penalties associated with two-weapon fighting, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding an orc double-axe in one hand cannot use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in a given round.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Velshadir Duel Blade[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Duel Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d319f8f34a86034fd9c388bfa5e6b7d9/85fa8ff501cba53f-c5/s1280x1920/08fd4b5e60f5bc9b242115082bbdd23a8b091b9d.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Velshadir [td class=faketh]Damage 2D4 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 10 DEX [td class=faketh]Weight 3 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 45 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Finesse, Prone Fighting, Bleeding, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]17 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    Also called "Drow Razor" it is a weapon designed for rapid blows and slashes; this long thin double knife is incredibly sharp on the outside of the blade. It is the blade used for Velshadir duels of honor and each blade is crafted precisely for each warrior. Stealing one of these weapons is taboo, but picking up a slain enemy's weapon is a great recognition of the opponent's skill. Velshadir swordsmen and assassins are especially fond of these weapons. A confirmed critical hit or successful sneak attack with a drow razor deals an additional 2 damage; this damage is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Wakizashi[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Short Weapons [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/295b0bc4b31e3339ba6a2765f9d4c5cd/8cacde0f7b177818-22/s1280x1920/29e431cd108298152e659074c3b11033ce5df861.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit Ki [td class=faketh]Damage 2D4 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 19x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 3 [td class=faketh]Rarity R [td class=faketh]Cost 180 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Parry, Bleeding, Light, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]18 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]3 Metal Ingot + 1 Leather Patch  

    Similar in shape to other curved, single-bladed swords, wakazashi range between slightly shorter than a katana, referred to as an ō-wakazashi, to slightly longer than a tanto, referred to as a kō-wakazashi. They were primarily wielded alongside a katana as a status symbol to differentiate an average katana-wielding nobody with a samurai. This pair is referred to as a “daishō”, literally “big-little”.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Warhammer[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Great Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/19e8a27fb5cd96cd177c601f788f5296/e134b07cb2a2ebc1-d1/s1280x1920/34e0986e2558dffc9a3f8e68b43fb50fa6bd8672.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Bludgeoning [td class=faketh]Critical 20x3 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 [td class=faketh]Weight 8 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 210 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Heavy, Staggering, Sundering, Versatile (1d10) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]11 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Metal Ingot + 4 Leather Patch + 1 Wood Staff  

    This weapon consists of a wooden haft and a heavy, metal head. The head may be single (like a carpenter’s hammer) or double (like a sledgehammer). The haft is long enough that you may wield it one

  • or two-handed. Though heavy and relatively slow to wield, warhammers are capable of delivering immense blows, crushing armor and flesh alike.

    [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Wasp Nest[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Mage Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/333cadc90640e2d7a28a71749071eb6e/a21dd86a67d88338-2c/s1280x1920/fdbd7d310c47ca7c81a58ed2e52fbb5fb2375c9b.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 40 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]No-Hand, Thrown (4/8/12Hx), Special [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Incantatore [td colspan=1]14 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Small Levitational Cristal + 1/2 Metal Ingot + 1 Wood U  

    These are magic Darts that when activated hover close to the mage and at his order they begin to attack: The mage can control 1 dart every 3 Levels, each dart inflicts 1D4 damage and the attack bonus is equal to the mage's primary skill bonus + 1/2 wizard level. Each dart can be aimed at a different opponent with a range of 4/8/12. Bolts that miss return to orbit near the wizard, those that hit can be replaced by new darts.

        \pagebreak     [div class='classTable wide']   [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Hunter Spear[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Long Weapon [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/8fa3808d47991233e7eaf5ce02a5f6da/60a037e3f5ffa6c5-fe/s1280x1920/19cd5cd0d7129a2c88cf66c47ba94967db3bd5cb.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D8 Piercing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR [td class=faketh]Weight 9 [td class=faketh]Rarity C [td class=faketh]Cost 6 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Skewering, Ensnaring, Thrown (2/4/6Hx) [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Weaponsmithing [td colspan=1]7 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]4 Metal Ingot + 2 Leather Patch + 4 Wood Staff  

    A harpoon is a hooked spear with an attached string about 50 feet long. Most harpoons have metal points, but some use ivory or are made entirely of wood. If you're skilled with the harpoon, it's a grappling weapon. The weight of a harpoon includes 5 kg for the weight of the 15 meters of hemp rope. Weight can be reduced by using shorter or lighter strings.

      [table class=cinereousTable cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1][td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='width:330px'][H3]Whip[/H3] [td class=faketh style='width:120px']Class [td style='width:230px']Unarmed Combat [td colspan=2 rowspan=9 class=bg][img class=art src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/353b728be875a70eec0227d95a5ea9a6/f3e0d5b5dc1d1a2b-d1/s1280x1920/fb8c534ba2190d43150d783d5e322373b045fc1c.pnj] [td class=faketh]Race Limit All Race
  • All Class [td class=faketh]Damage 1D4 Slashing [td class=faketh]Critical 20x2 [td class=faketh]Required STR 13 DEX [td class=faketh]Weight 1 [td class=faketh]Rarity U [td class=faketh]Cost 11 Sh. [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Attributes [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]Ensnaring, Finesse, Reach, Bypass, Disarming, Backstab [td class=faketh]Crafting [td class=faketh colspan=1 style='text-align:center']DC [td class=faketh colspan=2 rowspan=1 style='text-align:center']Recipe Leatherworking [td colspan=1]5 [td colspan=2 rowspan=1]8 Leather Patch  

    A whip deals no damage to creatures with an armor bonus of +2 or greater or a natural armor bonus of +3 or greater. The whip is treated as a melee weapon with the "Long" attribute of 3 Hex, even if you don't threaten the area where you can make an attack. Also, unlike most other weapons with the Long attribute, you can use it against enemies anywhere within the 3 Hex (including adjacent enemies). Using a whip in close combat provokes an attack of opportunity, just as if you were using a ranged weapon. You can make trip attacks with a whip. When using a whip, you gain a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if the attack fails).


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