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Amelia Ender

Ms. Amelia Ender (a.k.a. Amy/SCP-7346)

Amelia is a gentle and friendly SCP, although, she tends to like to cause harmless chaos to those around her, usually in the form of pranks. She suddenly appeared in our world through a mysterious portal, wounded and scared. She is cooperative and is usually the source of her group self preservation.   Voice Claim:

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is tall and unnaturally skinny, but it doesn't affect her negatively and is normal for her species.

Body Features

Has Vitiligo and various old scars.

Facial Features

Purple glowing mouth and eyes, pointed ears.

Identifying Characteristics

Her horns and tail, as well as her quadroped feet. and an outward appearance of no mouth.

Physical quirks

While it appears she has no mouth, she can open her jaw, and at will, unhinge it, to reveal and glowing mouth, with two rows of retractable sharp teeth and a forked tounge.

Special abilities

Teleportation Telekinesis Super strength

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wears a grey sweatshirt with a black skull tshirt and black spandex shorts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born East of the Red Sun, in a village of the Glowing star. This village was known for its achievements in history and culture, as well as exploration. She was born to a rather well off family for its time, having a fair childhood and being rather happy. As she grew up she took after her father, learning from him how to navigate land, read maps and set land points. The older she got, the more she started to join her father in his work, as well as still helping her mother in arts and culture, and helping around the village.   When she reached young adult hood, her father passed, and she took his place as lead head of exploration and discovery with her partner.   When they had their first child, she settled for a bit, taking care of their daughter and helping around the village once more.   When her child got old enough to be without her for longer periods, she slowly got back into her old line of work, but tragedy struck when they were attack by unknown forces, killing most of the team, her husband and sending her to an unknown dimension.

Gender Identity



Bisexual and poly (Which was common practice in her native world)


Well educated in her native world.


MTF Squad at site 747

Accomplishments & Achievements

Founded several landmarks and Safe havens in her native world. Getting married and having a baby girl. Successfully protecting her group from attacks.

Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma

Losing her only child, various attacks while traveling, watching her Husband murdered.   Suffers from depression and anxiety, as well as BPD fears being taken away from this world again.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is highly intelligent and clever. quick to figure things out and solve other unknown elements and mysterys.

Personality Characteristics


To help others. Explore the world and discover and learn. To ultimately be happy and make what you can out of any situation.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes: Salty foods, WATER, Incompetent and shut in people, mice (they look weird), ....   Likes: Sweet foods, nature, large peaceful animals, creativity, Exploring...

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

When angry, is very hard to calm down. Lack of knowledge of human culture and fundamentals Overprotective

Personality Quirks



She probably takes dust baths to replace water.


Contacts & Relations

Dr. Alto Clef- Boyfriend Blythe- Friend Chad Bradley - Friend Orie -Friend Dr. Jack Bright- Best friend

Family Ties

None in this current world.

Religious Views

In her world, the worshipped the prophet of the red sun.

Social Aptitude

Usually, she is well kept, and generally quiet. But when she needs too, she is not afraid to speak up and speak her mind. When with closer friends she is more open, and joking, and way more affectionate.


Physically affectionate- In her world, physical affection was highly smiled upon, even between friends.   Fidgets a lot, especially with her ears and tail.   Tends to make distorted noises (enderman noises) at random and quietly, as a stim.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets.   Likes to read, make jewelry and draw. In her old world, she was an explorer, finding landmarks and location for her village.   She also was a caretaker for the villages children.


She has adapted to modern speech on earth, and in English. Her primary language is Endarian.

Wealth & Financial state

Dirt fucking poor

A rather friendly and loving, yet deadly, SCP

Current Location
Site 747
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
SCP - 7346
27-30 human years
Date of Birth
East of the Red Sun
Current Residence
Site 747
Black (Dyed Pink)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Vanta black with patches of off White
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
English Endarian (Primary) Spanish Two unknown non human languages

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